Thursday, February 24, 2011

because it's just enough. - part one.

Note: if you are TRULY about the truth, if you are TRULY "here for Michael", I, personally, think it's only fair to hear both sides out in order to find the truth. Don't you?


I am all for freedom of expression. I do not think that everyone is going to see everything the same way and that is okay. Despite contrary belief, I do not automatically "hate" someone if they do not like a friend of mine.

However, there is a limit.

I want you to picture a friend of YOURS. Now I want you to imagine that someone is talking badly about your friend. Taking things that they said once and adding their own creative liberties. Taking a mistake that they may have made (just like everyone in the world makes mistakes) and turning it into something else. Not even KNOWING your friend but making all kinds of assumptions about them and having no problem spreading these assumptions as fact.... and, my own personal favorite, utterly completely INVENTING things that this person said. I'm talkin' making it up completely and 100%. Then imagine seeing other people go "omg _____ said WHAT?"and then spreading it around as fact? How would YOU take that?

I'm guessing you wouldn't be thrilled, right? I mean, it's your friend! You don't want to see lies about your friend or see words get thrown into their mouth, right?

But, let's ALSO say that the topic of conversation is one that is pretty important. Let's say that the people who are causing these problems for your friend... well... let's just say that you doubt their sincerity. Obviously they know what they are doing, but what you DON'T know is why exactly they are doing it. It's not exactly normal to invent things that people said and spread them around like that is it? I mean... I don't think it is.

Now, I know. I know that I am just a stupid brainless idiotic blind minion. I've heard it all. As strange as it sounds, I have had all kinds of insults hurled at me and about me simply because of who I choose to be friends with and how I choose to defend my friend.

I have NEVER;

-gone onto a forum and started or even really continued a fight
-attacked anyone
-"called" or "emailed" anyone with threats, insults or other such things.
-disliked or hated everyone who saw things differently than me.


-defended the truth regardless of who I am talking to.
-lost my temper on occasion where the nonsense got too much for me.
-not elevated ANYONE to a "godlike" status nor think that ANYONE is perfect. Instead, I believe that everyone is human.

And yet, I am attacked. I am called a brainless minion. And, yes, we all joke about it 'cause it's ridiculous, but if you think about it... why? Why is that normal? Why am I a minion for defending MY friend but the people who defend others are cool? Doesn't make much sense to me...

I have always found it quite humorous that it can be considered "stupid" or "crazy" to defend someone but INSULTING someone is okay. I've never quite understand being told that it's wrong to simply state that something is false, but not wrong to actually SAY the false thing in the first place.

See, here's the thing for me, y'all. Yeah... Karen's my friend. We all know that and I've heard all about how I'm just being blinded by someone acting like my friend and so you can't trust my words because I'm just a stupid minion blah blah blah blah. So, that's fine. I can respect that. Maybe I'm just randomly defending my friend who's secretly some kind of evil being. Yup... that's what I'm doing. But, hey, that's what some people seem to think. So, I guess it's time to try this a different way.

You all don't want to trust Karen's words? Fine. You wanna not trust MY words? Fine. Maybe I need to do this a different way. Maybe I need to use your own words to prove the utter and complete LIES that have been going on for the past year and a half plus.

'Cause I, for one, have had enough.

I have had enough of my friend being lied about, slandered and attacked. I have ALSO had enough of watching kind nice people be lied to and led to believe that certain things are true when they are not. I am FURTHER tired of people being BLIND to certain things. Also tired of people who are supposed to be such advocates for truth being okay with lies. It is VERY easy for people on the internet to tell all kinds of fairy tales. It is very easy to believe the fairy tales. And sometimes fairy tales are harmless. But sometimes they are not. And by the way? This goes well beyond only wanting to protect Karen's character. Yes.. there is that... but this is also much more than that.


I've had enough. Call me whatever names you want to call me and attack me all you want, but this is what it is. If there's anything that anyone wants to open up to before part 2 comes out, that'd be awesome. I don't mind going through the obvious and PROVEN lies, but it'll make my life easier if yall can do it. ;)

Once again - call me what you need to call me. That's actually not something that I care about. Like, at all.