Thursday, December 12, 2013


 Hey guys!

So, here is where the answers to the Q&A will be posted. Remember: it's (approximately) one answer for a week for... well. As long as it lasts. For every question, I will also post a little bit about the person who asked it (if Karen chooses to answer your question, I will email you about this) ;) We'll keep you posted on details and of course when a new question is posted. Each answer will be posted on this post - and the old answers will stay posted as well, of course.)

(We're back! I told y'all we would be. :) It's just with the holidays and everything, Karen has been really busy....and to be honest, I haven't had much time either. But here's your next question & answer.) 

This one comes from Mai who is twenty years old and from Florida. One of her biggest goals in life is to be able to travel the world to see different cultures and meet different people - "just like Karen has", she pointed out in her email to me. :)

"What is the most surprising/shocking thing you ever saw MJ do? Something no one would normally expect him to do?" 

"When I was glancing over all the questions for the first time, after reading this question I laughed as the first thought came to my mind. I wanted to answer this question next.  Steph can attest to how long it took for May to respond to the email requesting a little info about her. So, a shout out thanks to May. 

The word(s) that momentarily stumped me was "surprised/shocked". When you know someone for a long time, you become familiar with their actions and reactions to things, so being surprised/shocked is something that rarely occurs.

The first answer that popped into my mind made me laugh out loud. The visuals of this moment in time, flashed back to me. 

Michael had stopped by my hotel room unannounced one afternoon on one of our many journeys. We just hung out for a while, talking about this and that. 

After a bit, he wandered into my bathroom, not closing the door behind him. Knowing how curious he was, and how he ALWAYS liked to (secretly) go through my drawers and bags...looking for clues, trying to get a glance into my personal life...I felt compelled to see what he was up to. I did not want him to find some of my very feminine items I had in there...right girls? 

To my SHOCK/ client, for whom I went to great lengths to sanitize and personalize all my makeup and hair supplies I use on him, was actually brushing his teeth with my toothbrush!!!!


I had to scream, which was followed by my roaring with laughter. 

I could not believe my eyes! He looked at me with that  innocent expression, with lips all foamy with toothpaste "WHAT??? What did I do?"

I said, "I can't believe you put my toothbrush in your mouth". 

After he quickly rinsed and spit, he handed me back my toothbrush and apologized. 

"Oh no, you own it now mister" I said as I put the toothbrush  in his shirt pocket.

He graciously and profusely thanked me for the gift, as he left my cute is that?"

Note: yeah...just as a reminder, Karen really wants to get to know at least a little bit about the people she is answering so if you do get an email from me about this, please try to respond back when you get a chance.


The first question is from Agatha. Agatha is a 21 year old college student in Massachusetts. Her goals after college are to help others... and to "spoil her parents silly". (And I also know she's super sweet and smart!)

Thank you Steph and Karen for doing this, it's so smart !

<b>Karen, how do you go about blocking the noise from the people who might not like you? I'm currently a college student who is struggling with mean girls and people disliking me based on rumors. I walk around like I don't care and put on a front but when I get to my room I keep asking myself, "WHY don't you LIKE ME?!?!?!"

I need to stop. How?</b>

Hi Agatha. I am sure everyone reading your question has experienced the same feelings you and I have. You are not alone.

First, your description of it as "noise" is very perceptive and is the key to helping all of us navigate through these aggravating and petty folks that are all around us. The goal is to minimize our hurt and concern over things we have no control over and concentrate on the things we DO have control of.

The internet is a vehicle that magnifies the cruel and misguided behavior by cowardly people. When I was young, the people who taunted me were in the small sphere of schoolmates who I knew by name. Now those who express their disapproval of me are faceless, nameless scribblers of foul misspellings of profanity from near and far.

Second, you must ACCEPT that there will always be people like this in the world and not everyone is going to like you. Don't be disappointed because of an unreal expectation of a 100% approval rate. The president of nations, kings, sultans and even elected officials can't even aspire to that. Approval rates even fluctuate from one utterance to the next.

Other peoples opinions of you are created for a multitude of reasons that are more often about themselves and not you. That is just a fact of life. Don't let others rain on your parade.

Michael Jackson had many ppl who persecuted him. World wide tabloids started rumors, anonymous people sent him death threats where ever he was scheduled to appear, and there were business and lawmen who hated him enough to want him to fail or put him in jail. Michael taught me, by example, how to put this human behavior in perspective.

Third, you must remain confident in who you are and stay focused on your path in life. Michael kept creating magic with his talent, hushing all the noise with his success and the support of those who loved and appreciated him. He often referred to dealing with the negativity as developing "rhinoceros skin". Most creative people are sensitive spirits inside. The "noise" is a distraction only if you allow it to be. You are in complete control over how YOU perceive the world. Don't let it penetrate into YOUR life experience. Also know you must be pretty important for them to start rumors and go to all that trouble to "dislike" you in the first place.

Turn up the volume of your own success and of all those who love and appreciate you. That will drown out all that insignificant "noise" anyone attempts to distract you with. They usually want something you have, and the only way they imagine they can get it, is by diminishing something about you.

But lastly, don't ever ignore others criticisms. You can learn a lot from them. They could possibly be your most valuable teachers. They give you an insight into areas where you can improve and by understanding them, they will make you a stronger and better person.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Q&A Update!

Hi guys!

I have been getting a loooot of emails in the past few days asking me for info about this Q&A. When is it happening, how is it happening, why hasn't it happened, it was time to let you all know what's up. :)

I am sure that many of you have seen my obnoxious tweets with little hints about how this Q&A isn't going to be like any other ones you've seen.

That's true.

Most Q&As have a bunch of questions and then the answers. They post them all together, nobody knows who asked the questions, readers receive lots of information at once.

Which is cool. I got nothin' bad to say about classic Q&As! 

But this isn't going to be like that.

If you guys have been "following" Karen on Twitter or Facebook, you know that she has always been interested in learning who everyone is, as individuals. She's always wanted to know who people were outside of their love for Michael just as much as she wanted to share who SHE was outside of her love for Michael. This is not going to be any different.

Karen has chosen to make this Q&A much more personal and interactive than other ones are. It will also be longer - at least in terms of time. Here's how it's going to go:

Every week, Karen will answer one question. (approximately. She might miss a week. She might answer a two in a week.) The question will be selected ahead of time and the person who asked it will receive an email so that we can learn a little bit about who they are. Nothing complicated, don't worry. ;) Then, the question will be posted along with the mini-"bio" of the person who asked it...and Karens response.

Why are we doing it like this?

First, Karens schedule is pretty intense. It really isn't an option for her to be able to sit down and answer a whole bunch of questions at once - and do so WELL. She doesn't want to give everyone one word answers. This gives her the time to be able to give the questions the attention she feels they deserve. 

But, Karens schedule isn't really the main reason.

The main reason is she doesn't want to answer anonymous questions. You know that it has been stressed that Karen needed everyone to share their names with their questions - that was basically the only "rule" she had. It was because she doesn't just care what your question about MJ is - she cares who YOU are.

In her own words...

"I think fans are important. I want to put a face on the fans. They know who I am. I want to know who they are."

Karen has chosen the first question and it will be answered soon. Every answer will be on a post on this blog. It will be updated with each new answer. There is no specific amount of questions she plans to answer. That will be figured out as we go along.

I will tweet each time a new question is answered, so for those who don't know:

Karen's Twitter: @wingheart
Steph's Twitter: @neverletyoupart

Talk to you guys soon... :)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Restitution, defamation...too much attention. Conrad Murray in 2013.

Well...okay. Here I am. I just finished saying only hours ago that I did not want to talk about Murray. And now I am blogging about him. 

I started off meaning to only explain "restitution" since I saw some people confused and/or confusing people. But then I started writing and it became more....which always seems to happen.

See, I DON'T want to talk about him. I don't want to THINK about him. But, this blog wrote itself. So, while I intend to continue to ignore him in the future - I will have this blog to refer to. Plus, this way, I can share once and not have to keep giving that...person any of my time, thoughts or energy.

Okay, so first of all, the background....we all are aware, right? Basically Murray, released from jail a few weeks ago after serving about 20 minutes (approx 2 years of a 4 year sentence.) has decided its a great idea to start giving interviews. He is discussing Michael with an unbelievable amount of disrespect and dishonesty and is just behaving in a...well, disgusting way.

Let me explain, first, Katherine Jackson's role in this since some people seem either confused, confusing or both

One of the things I keep seeing is how "Katherine Jackson could have stopped this". And the more I see it, the more people react to it, the more I wonder if everyone is aware of all the details and specifics - I was not aware of everything myself and had to double check a couple of things just prior to writing this. Here's the actual deal:

What these people are referring to is something called "restitution". Now, I'm no legal expert so I am just going to make the most simple and general points. I do not wish to have this blog be about defending Katherine's choices NOR attacking them. They are not my choices and I am not in her position. I personally feel I cannot begin to comprehend her choices or decisions, let alone judge them as I cannot possibly know all of what went into these choices...but that isn't the point anyway. I only want to provide an explanation in case anyone does need one.

Essentially, what people are referring to, is that Katherine had the chance to "go after" Murray for "restitution". Had she chosen to do so, it basically could  have prevented Murray from being able to profit off of Michaels death.

A famous example of this is what happened with OJ Simpson. Though he was criminally acquitted of murder chargeas, he was sued civilly as well and in the end, all profits off of his book about the crime, ended up going to the victims families - because restituon made it so that OJ could not profit off of his crimes.

There are several assumptions about why Katherine did not choose to pursue this option but as I said, since I am only trying to explain the situation, not Katherine's decisions, I don't think there's a point in me going into them right now. All that matters, in this moment for this blog, is that she did end up not taking this path and instead waived restituon. 

So, what does that mean?

Contrary to some of what I've seen, it does NOT mean that Katherine could have prevented these interviews - prevented Murray from, er, "sharing". 

Restituon is financial only - it is not a gag order. All it would have done is made it so that CM could not have gotten PAID for discussing MJs death. 

As far as I am aware, we do not even know if Murray was paid for his interview, do we? (I have heard rumors about a 5-figure payment and a 6-figure-does anyone know for a fact if he was paid? Please leave info in a comment or tweet me if you do...thanks.)

Regardless, to assume that Katherine choosing to go after restituon would have made it so that Murray wouldn't speak at all, we would have to assume two things:

A) Murray was paid for what he's been saying.
B) Murray would have decided to not say anything about MJ without being paid.

Only if A and B were both true, could Katherine be held partially responsible for Murray speaking out.

Now, I am not debating one way or another whether restituon could have made it less likely for him to speak. Of course being unable to make money would make anything a less attractive option. Then again, we also know that Murray has "shared" with us before for free including from jail.

Either way, the point was meant to be simple - just to clarify in case anyone needed it:

Restituion is FINANCIAL ONLY. She could NOT have prevented Murray from speaking. She could have been able to prevent Murray from profiting - off of MJs death. 

So, that's Katherine. And we can stay mad at her if we want and talk about how we know why she made the choices she did and call her "greedy" based only off of her own understandings and assumptions....but it won't help anyone. In fact, it will just be more negativity to focus on. And, assuming or believing it, won't make it any more or less true either. If anyone really wants to learn about her decision and what her options were and potential reasons for making this choice...we can always talk about it....but for now, know that it's not as simple as some people want to make it...& Michaels mother, whatever we may think or feel about her....we are not her. We don't know everything. We can't.

Now. On a similar note, we have John Branca.

I have seen fans angry at John Branca and the MJ Estate - wondering why they aren't stopping it. There is nothing they can legally do either. I know some of you have said that Murray is defaming Michael - the law says, though, that defamation laws do not apply to deceased people. I personally haven't the faintest idea who decided that was a good law and why - but it is what it is. So, Branca and co cannot legally do anything about Murray and his mouth.

Restituon - could not have stopped Murray from talking.
Defamation laws - cannot stop Murray from talking.

We can't blame the Jackson's for this.
We can't blame the Estate.

There is only Murray ... And the idiots who gave him a platform to speak.

While I continue to pay as little attention to Murray as I can, because I did end up deciding to write this blog, I did read some of his interview.

There are some FACTUALLY inaccurate things in there - as well as some things that are just ridiculous and obviously could not have happened the way he says. 

I could sit here right now and go through the interview like a checklist, crossing off the things he said and why they're ridiculous. I bet most of us could do that. But..why should we?

Murray is sitting there saying these disgusting things and Michaels fans are understandably disgusted BY these things. But as hard as it is...I feel like the best way I can show Murray the disrespect he deserves is to just ignore him as much as I can. To NOT tweet the interviewer about how awful they are for giving him a platform, as much as I do think it was awful to give him a platform. After all..which is worse? A bunch of passionate emotionally charged comments that let the interviewer know people are paying attention (even though said people are disgusted...) or....silence? Them wondering if anyone watched?

What's going to make it less likely that he gets another interview or a book deal? Negative reactions...or no reaction?

I know it's hard. Technically, I am reacting to him right NOW lol. And of course I found what he said WAS. I just feel like the best thing to do is show him silence.

Most of you guys have heard about our mayor here in Toronto, right? Well, the city council spent a couple days in hysteria at first. They were screaming back and forth with the mayor, people were fighting, getting upset, getting angry...

Then, one day, they came up with a new plan. Every time Ford spoke, everyone would be silent and turn so that they weren't looking at him. He would be talking to non-responsive people who would not even look at him. Now, granted, that was a bit immature for the council to do.....but I bet Ford felt less valued, felt worse, felt less like talking to the silence....rather than the charged up emotional people.

I know it's not the same thing. But it's the best example I can come up with right now. I am not trying to tell anyone what to do. Like I said, I'm acknowledging him right now. But maybe, at the end of the day, things would go worse for Murray if he felt like Rob Ford must have....talking to nobody.

Conrad Murray has taken enough from all of us. He took from Michaels children, his family and friends, the whole world. All of us. He doesn't deserve to speak about Michael, in my opinion, not at all.

And he also does not deserve to take one more thing from anyone. 

For his actions, his refusal to accept responsibility, his arrogance, his blaming everyone but himself - especially Michael.

I hope that, soon, we can make it so he knows that nobody wants to hear what he has to say. 

Thanks for reading, guys.
And again...I don't mean to "tell" anyone how to feel or how to react. We are all different. I just don't think Murray should have the opportunity to say the things he's saying in the forum he's saying them in....and I sure don't think he deserves an audience.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Karen Faye's Q&A

Hello, my lovely ones!

For those of you unaware, Karen Faye, MJ's long time hair and makeup artist and close friend from 1982-2009 has decided that the time is right for her to do a Q&A with you guys! This is something people have been hoping would happen for quite some time and now Karen is ready.

There are very few guidelines. Just be intelligent. You may ask about anything you choose. Be appropriate. She will answer as many questions as she chooses. You may ask about the text messages. You may ask about her history with MJ. You may ask about HER and her life. You may ask for clarification about things that you have heard by others.

This is not something she has done before and I don't think she'll be doing it again in the near future - so take advantage of this!

There are some fans who do not like Karen. Who do not trust her. And there are some fans who get their information from these fans. Myself, and others, have attempted to give correct info - but nobody can accurately explain Karen like Karen can. So I hope those suspicious fans take advantage of this situation and ask her what they have to ask her. If you don't, you certainly can't complain that she hasn't explained something in the future - LOL!

This is not exclusive. Anyone may take part.

Please EMAIL your questions to me at I will help Karen out by doing the initial filtering through the questions. I have no power over what she does answer in the end...only what she sees.

Karen has chosen to use this blog as the place that she will post her responses - I am happy that I am able to help her out like that, of course, and it also means that you guys will see it first - especially by subscribers! :)

!!!!NOTE!!!! Please read

Karen came up with a good idea - as it has only been one day and I have had many questions submitted already, we are going to post the questions that have come in already. Before you email me your questions (and now you may email me multiple times, multiple questions, etc), come here and read this - if your question is not on here - ask away! If it is, it means it's already on the list of things she may answer. This does not mean she WILL answer them - just that they've been submitted. If you do not see your question here,, it either means I have not yet updated the list, it's been asked in other words or or it was just not even appropriate enough for the list - lol. If you have any questions about that, ask me.

Current questions:

-Did MJ see the fan art/fan letters that were associated with MJJSource in 2004-2005?
-When did MJ realize that his visions for TII were not being realized?
-What did MJ feel about his interactions with Kenny Ortega during TII?
-How do you feel about how the AEG trial ended up going?
-How have you been doing, personally, with your grief recently?
-Did they ever film any of the Adams Family film? Is there a chance we might be able to see it or some of it one day?
-What kind of pranks did Michael play on you?
-When you would do his makeup, did you and MJ talk a lot or were you quiet so you could concentrate?
-What were Michael's favorite foods?
-Did you and MJ ever sleep together? NOT sexually - just fall asleep together.
-Does a day go by where you don't think of him?
-When and how did you meet him for the first time?
-Of his family, who are you in touch with?
-What is the truth about your friendship with Randy? Are you really no longer friends?
-Why are you and Michael Lee Bush not friends anymore?
-In hindsight, do you think anyone could have saved him?
-What would you think of them re-opening Neverland, sort of as a Graceland?
-How did you and Steph end up becoming friends? You seem to have a real friendship that has nothing to do with Michael, but how does that happen considering how you met? Are you truly friends outside of MJ or is it misrepresented? (cool question, y'all. LOL -Steph) ;)
-Are you and Lisa Marie friends as well?
-Is it true that the bodyguards were keeping the fans away from Michael? If so, was this a part of AEGs bullying?
-Will you please share Lisa's version of the story about filing for divorce now that the trial is over? What's her side of asking MJ to not file for divorce and then filing herself?
-Is there a chance that MJ had a secret wife nobody ever knew about? Or a secret girlfriend?
-Did Michael ever date a fan? Did he ever consider it?
-If you and MJ were so close, why did he use other makeup artists up until 2009 once he came back from Bahrain?
-Who is the last woman MJ fell in love with?
-Why did you stop blogging? Will you write again?
-Why was MJ avoiding FD in 2009?
-what was the most memorable, conversation or moment that you've ever shared together?

-Michael mentioned often that he didn't have more than a handful of close friends, yet to me, he never seemed alone. Was he exaggerating for his image or was that the truth? If so, would you count yourself among one of his 5 most close friends and if so, why? What made you and Michael click as friends? Was it instant?

In your blog, you mentioned that Michael was human, breathed air, etc. and the gist of it was that he wasn't always perfect. What was one thing that Michael did with your knowledge (that you could feel okay in sharing) that you deemed questionable?

-Being so close to Michael for so long, I'm sure that you were privy to parts of his personality that most never knew of or got a chance to see. What was your biggest pet peeve when it came to Michael?

I doubt very seriously that you will answer this question, but I must ask. Michael and Lisa Marie seem to have a deep respect for each other. Although he has never spoken ill of her in public and she has towards him, that's neither here nor there. My question, with you being his friend for so long, do you feel that Michael would have chosen her to be his first wife, if her father wasn't Elvis Presley? Or do you feel that that fact was simply mere coincidence?

-Has Michael ever expressed interest in dating you? Did you ever date? Would you have considered having babies for Michael if Debbie did not?
-Did you know there are still age old stories about Michael asking you to bare his children - but you said no? can you tell us anything about that, even if it just to clarify things one way or another?
-Why are you and Taunya not friends anymore? As always, the person you ask has a very different answer than maybe someone else might, so....what's YOUR story? Was it really about RJ? Did you really "betray" her?"

-Michael Jackson was very popular, did he ever use Body Doubles or Decoys? And if so, do you know the names of them? -Can I have your autograph through the mail?

-I mean no disrespect to Steph as I know she is someone you care for and I like her too but people have wondered, did you know each other before MJ died? I guess it seemed odd that suddenly you two were very close as if you were real friends outside of what we all had going on here together and it didn't make sense to any of us. Nobody did anything wrong. Everyne was kind and nobody acted like they were was only a thought that, to be honest, was brought to some people attentions by another person. No big deal...

-Did you witness any sweet moments between MJ and LMP together?

-Can you tell us any positive memories from June 24th 2009?
-What is something extremely surprising or shocking that MJ has said or done? Something that no one would ever expect him to do or say?
-Did MJ ever ask you for parenting advice?
-What was MJ like as a father?
-Did MJ spend time with your daughter often? Did they have a relationship?
-Could you share one personal memory of him with his children - everything in the media seems very insincere?
-Do you know if fatherhood was all that he expected it to be?
-Did you and MJ have conversations about the universe? Can you share any of those with us?
Is it true that you got your dog Reggie from MJ? I read that MJ had bought Reggie for his own children but he couldn't keep him (because he was scared of him?) so he gave him to you? Is that true?
-Liza Minelli said that MJ proposed to another woman in the early 90s before LMP but that she turned him down - do you know anything about that?
-Why did Karen think that sending that email to Frank Dileo/AEG would be beneficial when she saw him in a bad way? Did she ever think to contact his mother or brother Randy since they were friends?
-Did MJ and Shana Mangatal have a real relationship? She claims to have had a seven year affair with him that began in 1990.
-After concerts, when MJ's adrenaline was up, did you guys ever celebrate? What would you guys do?
-Are any of these rumors about MJs "secret sons" true to your knowledge?
-What was MJs speaking voice like when just talking to you casually? Was it really deep or did he still speak softly?
-Would MJ ever feel comfortable not wearing makeup (to cover up his vitiligo) in private?
-We know that both MJ and LMP made mistakes in their relationship, as everyone does, but there are so many stories about family, "yes men", etc that got involved in causing them to fall out - do you know anything about that? Do you feel others had an interest or involvement in their marriage ending?
Whats your opinion on Flo Anthony? Would you consider her a reliable source?
What is still on your personal bucket list that you wish to accomplish?
Can you explain where "Applehead" came from? Can you explain "Turkle"? If not, will you EVER explain Turkle? Does anyone in the world know - or just you now?
Did Karen see or know of John Branca around Michael during TII? Did Michael want him back John Branca back? Does she think the WILL is legitimate?

Karen, how do you go about blocking the noise from the people who might not like you? I'm currently a college student who is struggling with mean girls and people disliking me based on rumors. I walk around like I don't care and put on a front but when I get to my room I keep asking myself, "WHY don't you LIKE ME?!?!?!" I need to stop. How?

-Did you ever get to have a water balloon fight with Michael?

- Being friends with Michael for so long, did you get the vibe that he was happy? No complex interpretations of the word, just: beaming and high spirited in general (excluding, of course, the allegation periods).

- Did he ever mention to you the portrait of his ideal woman or what he treasured most in his significant other? (as cheesy as it sounds :)

- Having in mind his luminous laugh, did he have a favorite joke that you heard him tell more than once? :)

- Could you please tell us your observations on June 24 (regarding Michael and what he did and what others did) right till you hugged him goodnight?

- Did you think that Michael's fear for his life during TII was much more than self-induced? Did you have the chance to sit down and talk to him about it?

- Would you consider reaching out to Paris sometime? As surrounded as she is by the Jacksons, I'm not sure this doesn't still mean lonely. In the light of this summer's events, maybe seeing you and talking to you could be therapeutical. I'm simply what's in my heart.

Did you ever speak with Michael about Japan or Japanese fans.

When did Michael relaize that his vision for the TII shows weren't being met, and how did he feel in the beginning?

What is like for Karen watching Michael's vitaligo spread? Was it hard for Karen to find the right make up to contour vitaligo? When Michael spoke about it for the first time on Oprah (and later on Martin Bashir) did she feel relived that he spoke about? That it wasn't skin bleaching as everyone said? How did Michael feel that people thought he was lying and vitaligo was something he was making up?

-Did Michael have a crush on any of the "You Are Not Alone" girls that would come onstage and dance with him? You said a long time ago that Michael would sometimes make comments about some of the girls when he walked offstage. Can you tell us what he said about them?

-Frank Cascio said Michael had a crush on Britney Spears. Did Michael have any other celebrity crushes?

-Were Michael & Lisa Marie loving & affectionate with each other when in your presence? Did you often see Michael flirting with Lisa?

-It is great to know that you & Lisa are close friends. Several months ago, you said that Lisa Marie was your "hero" after she told you her side of the story in regards to her marriage with Michael. You tweeted : "I was never given the opportunity to tell her side". You also said : "There were things I did not understand. Now that I do, I think she is amazing". Can you elaborate on why you called Lisa your "hero"?

-In your opinion, was Michael shy around women?

-Michael told the director of The Way You Make Me Feel video that Tatiana was too aggressive. Did Michael ever talk to you about Tatiana being overly aggressive? If so, what did he say?

-In her AEG deposition, Paris Jackson said that former nanny Grace Rwaramba was "creepy". What is your opinion of Grace?

-Hi Karen. Several months ago, you tweeted : "It is quite simple. Michael told me he loved Lisa Marie. Lisa Marie told me she loved Michael". I was wondering - Did Michael often confide in you about his marriage with Lisa Marie? Can you tell us any sweet/cute stories Michael told you about their relationship?

I'm wanting to know if Karen ever met John Branca, and if so what did she think of him personally.. Not his business ethics but his personal character.... Is the will authentic?

Karen I wanted to know what some of your favorite characteristics of Michaels personality are as well as your least favorite.

Can you tell us a funny story that we might not have heard about Michael’s animals?

You said during your testimony in the AEG trial that Michael didn’t drink enough during the 2005 trial because he didn’t want to use the bathroom at the court because a guard would stand behind him. Did you mean that the guard wouldn’t even wait outside the stall? Is that customary for guards to watch people as they pee?

We know Michael gave a lot of money and time to help children in need. Did he do stuff for animals too? If so, could you tell us about some of those things?

How come nobody told Michael how little was left to the imagination in those gold pants he wore on the History tour? Or did he know, but chose to wear them anyway because he knew his fangirls loved that?

What were Michael’s instructions when you would do his hair and makeup? Did he have any particular requests?

In what year did Michael finally have the courage to tell you he had vitiligo? How did that conversation come about?

Why did Michael love red lipstick so much? Have you ever tried to convince him to use a more natural color?

Some fans believe that Michael was still sleeping with Lisa-Marie during his marriage with Debbie. Do you have any info about that, whether from your personal observations or from your conversations with any of them?

What’s the cutest thing you ever saw Michael do?

What’s the most annoying thing Michael ever did to you? (Like pranks, teasing, etc.)

Did you ever pull a prank on Michael? If so, details please.

Do you know why Michael dyed Prince’s hair when he was little?

Did you ever feel attracted to Michael? Did you ever see him and think "Damn, he looks good today" or did you ever see him do a dance move and think "Damn, that was sexy." Or did you just not see Michael in that way at all?

-Will LMP ever be willing to tell her side of the story of what really happened in her marriage to MJ and how it really ended? Since she's under virtual gag since stating in Oprah that she will never speak of their marriage or MJ publicly again, will she write a book instead? ;)

-Their love is such a genuinely tragic love story that deserves to be told for what it was. It's like a modern day Romeo and Juliet and there are a number of lessons to be learned that could help others in a similar situation.

Why is it that you refuse to write a book on MJ? Is there anything that could convince you otherwise?

Did Michael have his nails manicured? Did he feel that the look of his nails was important? (Wondering cause they most often looked so well taken care of)

Did Michael have an allergy to horses?

What made Michael feel relaxed most easily? (Like maybe some kind of music, reading..)

Did you ever hear him sing opera? How did it sound? I could imagine him doing a duet with Sarah Brightman or any other opera singer.

How often would MJ go out in the public in disguise?

So what exactly happened in 1999 when the bridge fell while MJ was on it? What was the issue, and what happened after he got offstage? Was he permanetly effected by this?

Did MJ work out? He always kept a very lean, fit, and hard body. Even sporting a six pack in his early 20's. Was that only due to dancing, or did he do other work outs to keep in shape?

Did you ever see MJ lose it? You talked about him smashing glass in the bathroom. Did he yell and throw tantrums often?

When did you and Lisa make up? What happened that made both of you put aside the past? And what caused so much tension between you in the beginning?

We hear stories that MJ feared flying. Is this true? If so, is this a fear he always kept? How did he deal with it since he had to travel all around the world?

During an interview, MJ vented on how terrible the police treated him when they took him in. There is even a photograph with MJ showing how badly his arm was bruised. Was this true, or did MJ embellish the injustice done to him because he was so angry?

What made MJ decide to have his hair short in 95?

Did MJ still love Neverland even after the raid for the second allegations? There were stories saying how he felt they basically defiled it and he never wanted to stay there.

There is footage and reports saying how the police tore things apart (such as furniture), broke into things, and even stole items at Neverland during the raid. Is this true? Isn't that illegal to treat someone's place like that, even when searching? Did he do anything about it?

How in tune was MJ about what his fans loved?

Did MJ have a big celebration to show off his first baby, or was it quiet? When did you first meet Prince?

Did MJ ever tell you what he wanted to be remembered for?

Was MJ a vegetarian? He loved KFC so does that mean he stopped being one?

Was MJ ever able to relax? Or did his mind just run too much that it was difficult for him to?

MJ was a fantastic drawer. Did you ever see him sketch, and did you ever receive drawings from him?

Did MJ understand, even just a smidge, that he truly was physically attractive? Was he ever able to see what we saw?

How messy was Michael? He said he's "not organized in that way" when talking about being tidy outside of work. Does that mean he wasn't good with cleaning up after himself? :)

Could you describe the relationship MJ had with Princess Diana? Did they talk often?

What did the armband signify?

What were some of MJ's favorite candies to crave is sweet tooth?

After all the injustice he experienced in his life, was he still able to hold onto that childlike innoncence we all adore in him?

Could you describe the feeling of MJ's presence? Many talk about how you could just "feel" that he was in the room, and he had this magical aura about him.

Did MJ ever give you clothing of his? If so, do you still own some? And would he do this with others?

Was MJ good with remembering birthdays or special days? Or did he have to be reminded?

Paris talked about how Michael cooked. Did he learn this so he could cook for his children, or did he already know how to beforehand?

When you were on tour with MJ, did you ever see groupies backstage? How did he feel about them?

What's one of the craziest things a fan did? Either to get to MJ or just in general.

What caused MJ to start lip syncing his songs during History tour? I heard he had a bad case of laryngitis during that tour. Did that upset him?

The songs Give In To Me, Liberian Girl, Break Of Dawn and I Just Can’t Stop Loving you, are full of passion and desire from a men to a woman. Excepting Lisa, do you know if Michael fell in love, if he got a strong love for someone and it broke his heart? I'm not sure if you would know this, since this is more of a Lisa question. (But she never talks about MJ anymore, so asking her wouldn't work lol) But, there were tabloids in the 80's saying how MJ and Lisa were talking. Is there any truth to this? And does that mean they knew each other a lot longer than they claimed?

Michael was none do some pranks and some You Tube videos show him having a whip cream pie fight which looked like it was so much fun…please ask Karen What was the best prank Michael ever played on anyone or on her?

Karen - There is a woman named Romonica Harris who gave an interview in 2005 and said she was engaged to MJ in the 80's yet she has never been able to give any proof.  Personally, I don't believe she has ever met Michael.
You said several years ago on FB, that you asked Michael about her in 2005 and Michael told you that he had NEVER met Romonica and had NO IDEA who she was! LOL. Please set the record straight about this woman once and for all so the fans know the truth.  thanks

Michael received an exceptional apprenticeship at Motown yet modestly claimed that his talent was ‘a gift from God’.  Given that  he was a veteran performer before he was a teenager, who do you think really deserves the credit for MJs talent – God or Michael?


We know Michael methodically created his new ‘mysterious’ image around the age of twenty.  How much influence did Marlon Brando (and his method acting technique) have on this process?


I read that Berry Gordy toned down Marvin Gayes image because he thought a sexually dominant black man might appear too predatory.  In several interviews (particularly the Geraldo interview where MJ sported the ‘Veronica Lake’ hairstyle) Michael seemed to present himself as quite effeminate.  Was this a conscious decision to make him appear less masculine after the Bashir documentary?  If so, was it his idea?


Did MJ purposely keep his sexuality questionable in order to appeal to the largest demographic?


They say there is no such thing as bad publicity. Given that controversy is a desirable marketing concept, could it be possible that at least some of the controversy that surrounded MJ was deliberately contrived? 


Is the concept of persecution an essential factor in the creation of an icon?


During the AEG trial Rowe and Metzger defended their excessive use of Demerol by claiming that MJ had an exceptionally low tolerance to pain.  Considering that even the most severely burned victims rarely, (if ever) go on to develop a painkiller addiction, would you agree that they were exaggerating MJs pain in order to justify their use of excessive medication?


Debbie Rowe testified that MJ developed extensive keloid scarring after the scalp surgery. Since Michael was susceptible to keloids, why would he choose to undergo further facial surgery when it could have been so disfiguring?  Do you think he was unaware of the risk or is it possible that the scarring was exaggerated in the first place?


It was surprising that certain witnesses were not called at the AEG trial,  particularly Grace, Klein, Branca and Tohme.  Do you think their testimony might have made a significant difference to the outcome?


Is it possible to respect a woman who offers to give a man two babies as a ‘present’ - especially if that man is already married to someone else?


You recently tweeted that you were with MJ in Ireland in 2009.  Yet you testified that until 2009 you had not seen MJ since the Arvizo trial ended.  Could you clarify please?


How do you feel about all the ‘tributes’ performed in Michael’s name.  Do they keep his memory alive or are they just shameless attempts at self-promotion?


Matt Fiddes’s latest revelation is that MJ was ‘one of the best martial artists’ he had ever seen.  He claims Michael had a black belt in Kung Fu.  I must admit, I hate to give any credence to that man, but given that MJs children seem to be very involved in martial arts, could there possibly be any truth to this?


Cory Feldman recently stated he first met Conrad Murray at the Madison Square concert in 2001.  Do you think this might be true?


How did Michael really feel about his father?


Michael appeared to be an extremely religious man. You’ve made it known that you have little, if any, religious conviction.  Did this ever cause any friction between you and MJ?

Hi Karen, how would you describe Michael's Character & what do you think he would really want the world to know about him other than what the media has fed the world?

Hi Steph. There are a couple of ppl out there that claim they channel Michael. Meaning he basically is communicating through them, his spirit. I don't know how to feel about it. There's this lady I used to be friends with and she claims Michael told her that we, the fans should accept his death. That he was the cause of it but that there was many ppl in the house when he died. To me, anybody can say they channel him but I would like to know if Karen believes in it. I've asked her before but I realize age gets a lot of questions.
Thank you dear;)

"What is the lesson of live MJ taught you and which would be the epilog for your imaginary book about Michael? (imaginary, because I know you don't want to write a real book)"

CM mentioned on 60 Minutes Australia that MJ called him right after the trial I didnt realize they were so close. Were you aware of MJ's relationship with Conrad Murray during the 2005 trial? and Have you ever seen CM around MJ at Neverland? Thanks.

- What were Michael's favorite clothes?/
- Is it true that (besides Bal à Versailles) Black Orchid by Tom Ford was one of Michael's favorite fragrances? If no, did he ever wear it? 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Michael Jackson and AEG - part 1 - Those text messages.

This is the first part of, I guess, a three part blog. I started this part first, so it’s first. No other reason. When I first started talking about how I might write a blog about anything pertaining to the AEG trial, one of the things that people asked me about the most was about the text messages that Karen Faye (KF) had sent to her boyfriend in June 2009. There seems to be two separate issues that people have questioned– the first about what they said and why they matter and the second about what AEGs reaction to them was and why. I will try to explain both of these things to the best of my knowledge/understanding.

This paragraph was initially at the END of this blog. But, I think it would fit better at the beginning: “This blog was not written to "defend" Karen. She doesn't need any defense on this issue IMO, but that isn't the issue either. I am very much aware that some of those who see things a different way than I do talk about how "biased" I am and how because of my friendship with Karen, I cannot be "trusted".'s true that Karen and I are friends. It's also true that friends or not, I would not compromise my integrity to write anything that was a lie in order to defend anyone. But, even beyond that...everything I have written here is factual. Everything can be verified (except for my opinions of course.) So...with the knowledge that these facts are actually facts...YOU decide what conclusion to come to. Who I am friends with is irrelevant.”

First – the text messages themselves. What they say and why they matter.

The text messages in question were sent by KF to her boyfriend on the evening of June 18 2009 into June 19 2009. The texts themselves are available for anyone to see, but I will summarize quickly:

-MJ was hours late for rehearsal on June 18.
-“[MJs] fear is big. He needs a 24/7 therapist.”
-Kenny Ortega (KO) was angry that night.
-KF was told by KO that KO, Randy Phillips (RP), Conrad Murray (CM) and MJ had held a meeting of some kind – or an “intervention”.
-KO told KF that “AEG (Randy Phillips) is funding [MJs] entire life right now. His house, food, kids school, everything.”
-They told MJ that they will “pull the plug” [on the TII show] if MJ “doesn’t get his shit together”.
-“If he doesn’t do this, he loses everything...probably even his kids.”
-“[MJ] came in ‘very serious’” that night [the 18th]
-“Any ‘hand holding’ has been removed. [MJ] has to be forced to face his fears.”

*the ONLY thing that I added or changed at all was to specify who she meant when she said ‘he’ a couple times. (which was all confirmed by Karen.)

So, now that we know what they say – why do they matter?

First of all, some of these points are things that KF has said for a long time already. But, when the information comes in this form, it becomes more accurate for two reasons.

First: we must look at these texts as what they are – not “evidence” in a lawsuit, not someone on a certain “side” of an issue trying to prove or back up their point – they are just text messages that someone sent to their boyfriend while they were at work, telling him about her day. Nobody, including AEGs attorneys, have questioned this. (Yes, AEGs attorneys questioned the texts in a different way and actually, in a sense, the way that they did almost back up what I am saying now – if you bear with me, I will explain.) We all text our boyfriends, girlfriends, family, BFFs, whatever and talk about our days and that is all that Karen was doing – so to question the accuracy of what she said in the messages does not really make a whole lot of sense. There was obviously no reason for Karen to lie to her boyfriend about what she was experiencing in her day.

Secondly, regarding accuracy, the fact that these texts were written during the time period when MJ was in rehearsals does not only make it unlikely that someone would be “lying” but also, nobody had to rely on their memory to share this information. It is one thing for someone to remember details years later – it is another to have a record of what someone said or thought during the actual time.

So, two things are then removed – the question of “is this person remembering correctly?” AND the question of “is this person being dishonest to achieve a certain result?”

By the way, does anyone remember how many times KF said she had been told to be quiet and stay off the internet and to “cease and desist”?

As for the information in these text message – that shows us a few things:

1. That MJ was very dependent on these shows. If we know that AEG is funding much of his life, of course MJ needed these shows to work out.
3. KO told us about a meeting between himself, RP, CM and MJ that took place on June 20 2009. These texts were sent on June 18 and 19 2009 and they talk about a meeting or “intervention” between KO, RP, CM and MJ. (As an fyi, which you may feel free to believe or not, I am aware that KO also told KF where he was going BEFORE he went to this “meeting”. It didn’t just come up later on as a side mention. There WAS a meeting.)

The reason that point 3 is so interesting is that we have never heard KO or RP admit to having two meetings in three days. They have also said, particularly RP, that their interactions with CM were minimal. So, then... would this meeting on June 18 be something that they didn’t and don’t want anyone to know about?

We have heard denials (and may “I don’t recall’s) about any threats made in regard to ‘pulling the plug’. This IS something that KF did state happened as far back as 2009 and these text messages show us when and how she learned about this – KO told her. If they had a meeting on that day to make those ‘threats’ (or whatever word you'd choose to call them), then it seems likely that they would not have wanted anyone to know about said meeting.

We also know that on June 20th, KO wrote an email to RP expressing his doubt that MJ was “ready”, physically or emotionally, and that MJ was having trouble “grasping the work” at rehearsals. RP replied “please stay steady. Enough alarms have sounded. It is time to put the fire out, not burn the building down.” Hours before KO emailed RP, production manager ‘Bugzee’ also emailed RP expressing his own doubt – AND telling RP that KO had sent MJ home from rehearsal on the 19th. (According to RP himself, by “burn the building down”, he meant “pull the plug” on the shows.) At court, RP testified that he just wanted to keep the situation calm until they could have their meeting. But... according to these texts, they’d already had a meeting BEFORE KO sent that email. Two days earlier.

Nobody denies that the meeting on the 20th happened. KO said that at that meeting CM told him to stay in his lane and to not be an amateur doctor or psychologist. It is interesting, if that is in fact what happened, because RP had basically told him in his email to “stop sounding alarms” (“enough alarms have sounded”) which basically means “be quiet'... then they all met again that evening... and CM told him to be quiet as well.

(FYI, there was also a 25 minute phone conversation that happened between RP and CM that day...which RP claims to have no memory of and only remembers talking to him for two minutes about scheduling.)

Whatever they talked about with each other or why they said whatever they said is not the point of this blog...but it is interesting, I think.

After learning all of this, I think that it is safe to say that nobody wants to publicize their June 18th meeting. It is also safe to say that they strongly deny threatening MJ or holding things over his head It is also interesting how, prior to these texts “coming out”, KO has vehemently denied UNDER OATH in CM’s trial, sharing that sort of information with KF, to the point where he not only said that he DIDN’T share it – but stated that he WOULD NEVER have shared it. These do tell a differently story...

As for AEGs reaction and response to these texts...

First of all – just to clarify. There have been people who have been saying that AEG told the judge that “Karen Faye fabricated these texts messages”. That is not accurate. At no point did AEG tell the judge that Karen fabricated the messages. But they did challenge them.

These texts were brought to the courts attention by Brian Panish, the Jackson's lead attorney on this case. I have also heard people say that they "sprung" the texts on the defense and therefore the defense had no time to prepare to "defend against them". That is completely untrue. Firstly, these texts never entered evidence nor did anyone attempt to enter them into evidence. Therefore, there was nothing to "spring"...the jury wasn't going to hear them, so there was nothing to prepare for.

There is also the argument that the timing of when these texts “appeared” was “suspicious”, that Karen had been subpoenaed beforehand to turn over all relevant information she had and she did not turn over those texts until then. So, again, to explain...

Sometime between 2009 and 2013 (you know... four years.), Karen got a new phone. At some point, during the trial, she happened to come across her old phone and decided to go through some things on it. That is when she found the texts. She saw the relevancy of them and therefore gave them to the lawyers when she found them. Then the lawyers took it from there, however they saw fit.

Once they were introduced to the court (though not into evidence), THEN both sides discussed them. It was at that time that AEGs attorneys began to challenge them.

Clarification: after it was suggested to me that this might be misunderstood, I want to explain: the texts were not attempted to be brought into evidence (see attorneys arguments September 9th), but they WERE talking about being able to read from them or have Karen read from them. Again, hearsay laws prevented that. I did not mean to imply they had no intent of using them - just not admitting them into evidence... and again, had they done so, the texts would have been tested for authenticity. Also, yes, the defendants did have only a short time to respond to the motion - because of when the texts were found. I also did not mean to imply there was zero work for them to do.

While researching and confirming these things, I also found the following:

Deborah Chang: I just want to state this for Karen Faye, because I think a lot of bad things have been said on the record. As an officer of the court, I went to get the phone from her. I asked her "can you show me how you retrieved all this?" It was the most tedious thing. She had to go all the way back to 2009 and scroll down. There was no fabrication of evidence there. I saw - it must have taken her days to go back that far. And so, with respect to that, I feel - especially since she so gladly went over and said 'do any forensic analysis that you want to do', but it is degrading, it is humiliating.

They referenced Karen not being "credible" due to the fact that she had misrepresented evidence before referring to emails between herself and Frank Dileo (FD) that had been read and discussed in court. The defense lawyers claimed that KF had been selective in what she chose to share, pointing out that there was another email between KF and FD that had not been turned over by KF. They claimed that this email "contradicted" some of the things KF had said in her testimony and that this was why she had "chosen not to disclose it".

The email they are referring to is one that KF sent FD on June 23. The email said "yippee, everything is great".

My assumption is that the reason the lawyers said that this contradicted KFs some of previous testimony is because, obviously, things were not "great" according to her own words.

That's true. Nothing was great. However, when you put things into proper context, you realize nothing was contradictory about it. KF has always said that on June 23 and June 24, MJ performed substantially better. So, an email saying "everything is great" sent on the 23rd fits perfectly fine within that story. Should she perhaps have said "everything is much better than it has been but still not nearly where it needs to be"? Sure, if she was concerned with exactly how her words would be interpreted in a lawsuit later, I suppose that would have been "better"...but she didn't know that. She was just sending an email expressing relief that things improved so much on that day. And again, that fits with the information she has stated since 2009.

Did she purposely hide the email? I can tell you she didn't even remember it existed until she saw it after that point but why believe me? So, instead, I will just point out how, again, it did not contradict her actually didn't even contradict ANYTHING she's said since 2009 - we already knew those two days were substantially better. So...why would she hide it? Why would she want to? It just doesn't make any sense.

AEGs attorneys also mentioned Karen's "lack of trustworthiness" based on the fact that she didn't get along with some people involved with the "This Is It" shows. Whether or not someone gets along with a group of people or not has nothing to do with if they can be trusted - and certainly in a situation like this one, it doesn't. Is it even really a surprise that KF "wouldn't get along" with some of the people that were involved with TII at this point anyway? We have seen for ourselves that Karen has been something of an “obstacle” for them...of course they didn’t like her. Of course they STILL don’t like her.

The third and apparently most interesting way that AEG challenged KFs texts was discussing the possibility of them being fabricated. Again, nobody said "KF fabricated texts". What they suggested was that it is "easy" to change dates on iPhone text messages and "because of KFs past behavior of being selective with evidence" (referencing the FD email), they believed it was possible that she had done so. That she had actually sent the text messages in 2013 and changed the date to make it seem like she'd sent them in 2009.


I have absolutely no idea if it is easy to change the dates in text messages like that. I don't know how to do it...but obviously that doesn't mean it can't be done. But let's look at this situation realistically.

First, KF is the one who found them and handed them over to the lawyers to do with them what they thought was right. When AEG suggested this "possibility" of fabrication, KF was more than willing to leave her phone with them and have them do whatever they needed to do with it. She did not fight it. In fact, it was Deborah Chang, one of the plaintiffs’ attorneys who suggested how insulting it was to have to "validate" these messages - not KF. She wasn't a part of the discussion nor did she care to be.

Second, the reason the AEG claims there was cause to do this, was because, again...they claimed KF was "selective" with evidence, due to the fact that this email "contradicted" her testimony. But, the email did not contradict her testimony, therefore there is no reason to suggest or believe she purposely tried to "hide" it. Essentially, while the idea of "fabricating" text messages is an interesting one and those fans who seemingly do not trust KF have found the idea appealing to discuss, reality, there is just no reason to believe that that is what happened. A lawyer can suggest anything...that does not mean what they suggest is true. It does not even mean that they themselves believe what they are saying. In the legal world, a lawyer is not doing their job if they do not try everything.

Please, also see, the plaintiffs attorneys statement I posted just above this where she explains what she herself saw with the texts and the phone.

Due to the laws of evidence and “hearsay” laws, the texts were never introduced into evidence – nor did the plaintiffs end up attempting to have them admitted into evidence. That had nothing to do with any accusations of fabrication or irrelevancy.

So...why did AEG come up with all this?

First of all, as I said, they did not and could not challenge the texts because of their content. If Panish had chosen to try to admit them into evidence, they would have gone through the tests and they would have come back as legitimate and that would have been that. That would not have been able to be argued. The content of the messages, though...that they could argue all the way until the end. There is no simple test to check honesty. So, don't you think that if AEG thought, for one second, that they had any shot at selling the idea that KF was lying in those texts that they would have just done that? Had these text messages ended up in evidence, they knew their claims of "fabrication" would not have held up. The only thing that "sending them to the lab" would accomplish is that it would delay when they would be able to be used and cause some extra work and time - perhaps the plaintiffs would end up deciding they just weren't worth it. Delay tactics are extremely common in the courtroom.

I believe that they saw, just as anyone can see, that text messages sent between someone and their boyfriend, just talking about their day, just can't be sold as manipulative lies that would be used to support a side in a lawsuit four years later. So, I believe AEG pulled out all the stops - "she's not trustworthy, some people don't like her, it's easy to change dates on text messages"...because they knew that everyone would know that what she said in them was exactly how things were going down.

So, why did AEG work so hard at arguing against these texts? Why do they care so much? Was there something in them they didn't care for people to see? Things about how in control they were? About how they essentially threatened MJ? About this meeting with CM they had on the 18th?

I believe that AEG saw the same things I do...that these messages take things to a new level - when one is not relying on a four year old memory or making statements in the midst of a legal battle. I absolutely believe that the content of these text messages combined with those things is what AEG did not want to get out.

Of course you do not have to agree with me. I only intended to answer the question I was asked many times. What you take away from it is up to you.

Come to your own conclusions, ask questions, and THINK. Obviously, MJ is VERY important to ALL of his fans. It pays to have all the information, doesn’t it? And you can feel free to question or challenge anything I say too – it is much smarter than just dismissing it, isn’t it? If you want all the facts? You are always free to believe or disbelieve whatever you choose in the end. Questioning and wondering is a posit