Note: if you are TRULY about the truth, if you are TRULY "here for Michael", I, personally, think it's only fair to hear both sides out in order to find the truth. Don't you?
I am all for freedom of expression. I do not think that everyone is going to see everything the same way and that is okay. Despite contrary belief, I do not automatically "hate" someone if they do not like a friend of mine.
However, there is a limit.
I want you to picture a friend of YOURS. Now I want you to imagine that someone is talking badly about your friend. Taking things that they said once and adding their own creative liberties. Taking a mistake that they may have made (just like everyone in the world makes mistakes) and turning it into something else. Not even KNOWING your friend but making all kinds of assumptions about them and having no problem spreading these assumptions as fact.... and, my own personal favorite, utterly completely INVENTING things that this person said. I'm talkin' making it up completely and 100%. Then imagine seeing other people go "omg _____ said WHAT?"and then spreading it around as fact? How would YOU take that?
I'm guessing you wouldn't be thrilled, right? I mean, it's your friend! You don't want to see lies about your friend or see words get thrown into their mouth, right?
But, let's ALSO say that the topic of conversation is one that is pretty important. Let's say that the people who are causing these problems for your friend... well... let's just say that you doubt their sincerity. Obviously they know what they are doing, but what you DON'T know is why exactly they are doing it. It's not exactly normal to invent things that people said and spread them around like that is it? I mean... I don't think it is.
Now, I know. I know that I am just a stupid brainless idiotic blind minion. I've heard it all. As strange as it sounds, I have had all kinds of insults hurled at me and about me simply because of who I choose to be friends with and how I choose to defend my friend.
I have NEVER;
-gone onto a forum and started or even really continued a fight
-attacked anyone
-"called" or "emailed" anyone with threats, insults or other such things.
-disliked or hated everyone who saw things differently than me.
-defended the truth regardless of who I am talking to.
-lost my temper on occasion where the nonsense got too much for me.
-not elevated ANYONE to a "godlike" status nor think that ANYONE is perfect. Instead, I believe that everyone is human.
And yet, I am attacked. I am called a brainless minion. And, yes, we all joke about it 'cause it's ridiculous, but if you think about it... why? Why is that normal? Why am I a minion for defending MY friend but the people who defend others are cool? Doesn't make much sense to me...
I have always found it quite humorous that it can be considered "stupid" or "crazy" to defend someone but INSULTING someone is okay. I've never quite understand being told that it's wrong to simply state that something is false, but not wrong to actually SAY the false thing in the first place.
See, here's the thing for me, y'all. Yeah... Karen's my friend. We all know that and I've heard all about how I'm just being blinded by someone acting like my friend and so you can't trust my words because I'm just a stupid minion blah blah blah blah. So, that's fine. I can respect that. Maybe I'm just randomly defending my friend who's secretly some kind of evil being. Yup... that's what I'm doing. But, hey, that's what some people seem to think. So, I guess it's time to try this a different way.
You all don't want to trust Karen's words? Fine. You wanna not trust MY words? Fine. Maybe I need to do this a different way. Maybe I need to use your own words to prove the utter and complete LIES that have been going on for the past year and a half plus.
'Cause I, for one, have had enough.
I have had enough of my friend being lied about, slandered and attacked. I have ALSO had enough of watching kind nice people be lied to and led to believe that certain things are true when they are not. I am FURTHER tired of people being BLIND to certain things. Also tired of people who are supposed to be such advocates for truth being okay with lies. It is VERY easy for people on the internet to tell all kinds of fairy tales. It is very easy to believe the fairy tales. And sometimes fairy tales are harmless. But sometimes they are not. And by the way? This goes well beyond only wanting to protect Karen's character. Yes.. there is that... but this is also much more than that.
I've had enough. Call me whatever names you want to call me and attack me all you want, but this is what it is. If there's anything that anyone wants to open up to before part 2 comes out, that'd be awesome. I don't mind going through the obvious and PROVEN lies, but it'll make my life easier if yall can do it. ;)
Once again - call me what you need to call me. That's actually not something that I care about. Like, at all.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Before I start, I would like to link you all to
THIS blog. Please read that and try to understand where I am coming from. I truly hope that you all can... at least to a point. The purpose of this blog is not slander and is nothing other than exactly what it is.
Please do not take this as anything other than it is. This would be a GREAT opportunity for people to have an intelligent conversation. I am leaving comments open on this one.
This blog will be broken down into sub categories, but there is one main topic and that is Kenny. (Known from now on as KO.). There is much confusion amongst fans and the Michael community in general about this man, his character and whether or not he is telling the truth. This blog will attempt to answer those questions. You do not need to rely on me - I will be answering these questions with KO's own words.
Last Monday in court, KO took the stand as a witness for the prosecution in the involuntary manslaughter case against Dr. Conrad Murray for the death of Michael Jackson. KO answered a number of questions under oath. He explained that he felt "anxiety" because there was a week where Michael had essentially "disappeared" from rehearsals. He mentioned one specific day (June 19th 2009) where Michael appeared so unwell that it was "scary". He also mentioned a meeting held on June 20th that took place at Michael's house and included KO, Dr. Murray, FD, RP and Michael... and perhaps other people as well.
That may all be true... selective truth, IMO, but it may all be true. The problem, however, comes when we compare what KO is saying now to what KO has said in the past. Furthermore, there are SOME things that KO said in court that I believe are, if not outright lies, SERIOUS dancing around and avoiding the truth.
Let's look at this on topic at a time.
On Michael's health
Had Jackson been unreliable, tired, in pain? Did he seem pepped up to the eyeballs on this cocktail of prescription drugs? “I’d been to his home, I’d seen him playing with his children, and seen no evidence ever of anything like that.”
True, that statement could be referring to KO saying that he had seen no evidence of Michael "pepped up to the eyeballs on this cocktail of prescription drug" and not the question of "Had Jackson been unreliable, tired, in pain?". Because of the way this was formed, we cannot be sure. However, it is, at the very least, something to question.
“I think he was eating as much as he thought he needed to. I wished he would have eaten more. I was always making sure there was plenty of food around
To me, that implies that KO did have some concern with the amount that Michael was (or was not) eating. Keep this in mind...
So wasn’t this battered, rake-thin man too frail to mount a comeback? Ortega is having none of it. “No! Look at photographs of Fred Astaire at the height of his career. They’re the spitting image.”
So... you weren't concerned about how thin he was? But you were concerned that he wasn't eating enough? Or you were just... sort of concerned? I'm confused. Are you?
BTW, here are some pictures of Michael during TII rehearsals and of Fred Astaire... you can decide for yourself if they're the spitting image or not..
KO has maintained that Michael was healthy throughout TII, right? So, what about this, taken directly from his testimony, on January 3 2011?
'It quickly became clear that the meeting was about me. That the Dr. was upset that I had sent Michael home and didn’t allow him to rehearse the night before. And BECAUSE I HAD VOICED MY CONCERNS ABOUT MICHAEL'S HEALTH that evening. Dr. Murry told me that this was not my responsibility and to not act like a doctor or a psychologist and to leave Michael’s health to him.'
So... there were concerns? It doesn't sound like Michael was just not feeling well on that one day. If there was a meeting the FOLLOWING day and KO "voiced his concerns about Michael's health", that does NOT sound, to me, as though it was a one time thing and that KO had no other concerns. Does it sound that way to you?
In court, KO was asked:
. Do you remember having a conversation with Karen Fay[e] [about Michael's health]?"
After requesting a glass of water, KO replied that he did not recall having a conversation with her.
Since Michael died, Karen Faye has remained consistent in everything that she has said regarding Michael's health and the circumstances that were surrounding him. Without going into too much detail, it is unquestionable that Karen expressed her concern about Michael's health while KO and his AEG buddies were still going around talking about how lovely everything was, signing autographs at parties and promoting their exciting new movie. It is true that this is a case of his word against hers, but.... based on all that... based on the fact that Karen expressed her concern to all of us since June or July 2009 and remained consistent in her words (and of course, going back to my old point that she would have NOTHING to gain from lying let alone the fact that so much of what she said was later proven true) and considering the fact that, once again, Kenny was running around full of "L-O-V-E" and "TOY" and what not...and would have PLENTY of reasons to lie... WHO do you think is telling the truth? Honestly.... what makes the most sense to YOU?
KO was then asked:
do you remember telling Karen Faye not to placate Michael
His reply was that he doesn't even know what the word "placate" means.
(For the record, here is the definition of placate. Someone feel free to pass it on to KO.
to appease or pacify, esp. by concessions or conciliatory gestures: )
The testimony went on as follows:
EC: Did you advise Karen Fay[e] in any respect in regard to how to treat Michael after this meeting?
KO: No.
EC: Did you discuss with Karen Fay[e] any thing regarding how she should treat Michael?
KO: I don't recall having any discussion with her.
Once again... who do you think is telling the truth?
He also claimed he does not remember if he spoke to Michael regarding the increased number of shows. Really? He doesn't REMEMBER? Okay, KO... okay.
By, the way, there is also THIS from KO's testimony at court:
6/25/2009: At some point he learned that something happened. He received a telephone call while he was rehearsing. Earlier, he had spoken to Randy Phillips and was on his way to rehearsal. I asked him to, “Please let Michael know how excited I am and how much I look forward to rehearsals.”
(Randy Phillips said?) I thought you were calling for a different reason,
Take that as what you will.
On This Is It, as a movie.
“At the time I was uncomfortable with the notion. My immediate instinct was: too close, too quick, too emotional,” Ortega tells me when we meet on the Sony Pictures lot in Culver City, Los Angeles.
“But then I discovered that there was gonna be a movie anyway,” the 59-year-old continues. “And a friend of mine called me and said, ‘I’m reading online that they’re talking to other directors.’ I thought, ‘Now wait a minute – this is really sacred material here. And we were there and I’ve been there on all of these ventures in this last twentysomething years with Michael.’”
Ortega couldn’t bear the prospect of an outsider – “somebody who didn’t really know what the experience was about” – having their hands on what would become Michael Jackson’s last will and testament. He talked to other members of Jackson’s inner circle. “I thought, if everyone will agree that this is a legacy piece, about those four months and about showing the fans what it was that we were trying to do, then I should try do this. Because, you know, who else?”
Okay. So, what he's saying here is that originally he did not want to do the movie - at least not right away - until he heard that they were going to do one anyway and were talking to other people. Correct? Alright. But, you see, then we have this:
This is from KO's twitter:
The TII Team is deeply grieving the loss of our dear Michael. Our hearts go out to Michaels Children, Family and Fans around the world. LOVE 2:04 AM Jun 27th, 2009 via web
As we close our eyes on this sad day, DREAM, BELIEVE, THIS IS NOT IT. In time, we will celebrate and honor his vision with you all. 5:17 PM Jan 4th via web
You are not alone in the desire to see Michael celebrated with a Tribute that honors his final work TII We are working to make that real. 2:30 PM Jun 27th, 2009 via web
On June 27th. JUNE 27TH! Michael died on June 25th! And on JUNE 27TH, Kenny was talking about how they were working to make that real. And yet, didn't he say in that interview that at first he thought it was too soon? Too emotional? That he changed hid mind in time? So... what? When he says "in time", did he mean less than 48 hours? Or was he maybe less against it that he's trying to say? Of course there is always the possibility that he meant something else other than TII as a movie. Maybe they were going to, um, come up with some kind of OTHER tribute to honor his final work TII?
This, of course, is not about Michael's health, but it IS about Michael's death. It also speaks of his character.
Also, did anyone notice how KO kept tweeting about LOVE and TOY .... right up until around the time the DVD had been released? Just askin'
Note, also that by July 2nd, a week after Michael died, "official" rehearsal footage had already been released:
*: Official Michael Jackson rehearsal footage from "This Is It" has been released - Todd 4:39 PM Jul 2nd, 2009 via Twitter Tools
On Michael's mental state and how he felt about TII
Why did he want to undertake such a gruelling commitment? Tackling his huge debts – reportedly $400 million (£245 million) – was, admits Ortega, “partly” a factor. Jackson’s attitude was apparently, “This is a great job, and I’m gonna be able to get myself back at a good place and provide my family with some security.” But Ortega emphatically denies the suggestion that his 50-night stand in London was forced on Jackson by his creditors and handlers.
“There are those out there who say, ‘Michael didn’t want to do This Is It. He wasn’t capable.’ Michael didn’t just wanna do it – his attitude was, we have to do it.” After almost two decades of multiple litigation, gibes about his appearance, jokes about chimpanzees and exactly who donated the sperm to conceive his children, Jackson had a lot to prove. “I also think it was giving him back something that had been sucked out of him. His dignity as an artist. His meaningfulness as an artist. He wanted this. This was bringing him happiness. This was something to look forward to.”
Okay. So, he wanted to do the shows and he was capable of doing the shows. Yes? Alright. But, then there's this (in the same interview!)
Could Ortega see that the lack of sleep was wearing Jackson down? “Sometimes, yeah. Yeah. And we’d have to be careful. Absolutely. **I was concerned about his physical strength and whether or not he was doing all the things he needed to do to be the strong person that he needed to be to fulfil what he wanted to fulfil.**”
Oh. Okay.
Had it been clear to Ortega all along that Jackson was actually capable of fulfilling his contractual obligations and playing all 50 shows? “No, it wasn’t clear to me,” the director confesses. “Not all through the rehearsals did I have absolute confidence. But that’s me,” Ortega chuckles. “I’m the director, and nervous. But towards the end – that’s why it was so sad, that’s why it was so difficult, that’s why it was painful. Because at the very end, we did see it.”
Alright. Well.
First of all, are you trying to imply that you were concerned but that's just because you were the director and so you were OVERLY concerned? As in, you were just being silly or something? Or are you, once again, saying that you were NOT sure that Michael was capable?
Or does it not matter because you changed your mind "at the very end". What does the very end mean? Does June 19th count as the very end or is that too far back Are you referring to the 23rd and 24th? Those were the supposed days that most people seem to agree that Michael was, for some reason, doing better...
To me, it sounds like KO wasn't keeping his story fully straight in this one article, let alone for months to come.
On Dr. Murray.
Ask if Dr Conrad Murray was a regular presence on the set, and Ortega replies that he only met him “a couple of times. "I had a couple of conversations with him. He was Michael’s personal choice doctor, and was his daily physician as I understand it. And was doing everything in his…” Ortega falters, as if he’s mindful of the ongoing legal situation. “He was helping Michael stay nourished and healthy and, you know, looking after him.”
Michael's personal choice doctor? Not AEGs?
Oh, okay. Well, I suppose technically speaking, that doesn't mean he lied. You know. A couple of conversations... one of them could have, in theory, been a meeting where the doctor yelled at him for sending Michael home and told him he wasn't a doctor and should mind his business.
Once again, we hear KO discuss the meeting in his testimony from January 2011:
'It quickly became clear that the meeting was about me. That the Dr. was upset that I had sent Michael home and didn’t allow him to rehearse the night before. And BECAUSE I HAD VOICED MY CONCERNS ABOUT MICHAEL'S HEALTH that evening. Dr. Murry told me that this was not my responsibility and to not act like a doctor or a psychologist and to leave Michael’s health to him.'
So, you DID have concerns about Michael's health.
Of course, that kind of thing doesn't sound like he was helping Michael stay healthy or looking after him. So, you know, there's THAT to think about. Why say that if it's not true? I mean, can they both be true? Could Murray really have been looking after Michael and keeping him healthy while also getting angry at KO for supposedly sending Michael home when he wasn't well? Doesn't sound so right to me...
The wrongful death suit
KO has recently filed legal documents requesting that he be removed from the wrongful death suit that Katherine Jackson has filed. His reasons for asking to be removed from the suit are:
"Kenneth Ortega is not alleged to be involved in the medical treatment or administration of drugs that allegedly caused Michael Jackson's death."
Well, that's all well and good, however nobody is accusing him of having been involved in the medical treatment of administration of drugs that allegedly caused Michael Jackson's death.
The wrongful death suit does not allege that KO had ANYTHING to do with that at all. What the wrongful death suit alleges is that, among other people, KO was NEGLECTFUL. That he saw the bad condition that Michael was in and that he, not only ignored the condition, but continued to push Michael. (More than one source has said that members of the AEG "team" told Michael that if he did not, essentially, shape up, that they would "pull the plug" on the whole show... that Michael was threatened...that basically, Michael was NOT in control here.)
KO's arguments for why he should not be included in the wrongful death suit, truly makes me wonder if he has READ the wrongful death suit.
Further, KO's lawyers also say:
Kenny never had a contract with Dr. Conrad Murray or with Michael Jackson, nor has he had any official affiliation with AEG.
He didn't have a contract with Murray. He didn't have a contract with Michael. And he had no "official" affiliation with AEG? I don't know what official means in this particular example, but... who exactly was KO working for then? What was he doing there if he had no affiliation with Michael OR with AEG?
Who killed Michael?
Had Jackson been (over)dosed with drugs to ensure that he performed? Did the pressures and expectations from tour promoter AEG and its insurers drive him too hard? Fatally hard?
Ortega refutes the allegation. “Never believe any of that. It’s not true. He set his own expectations. Nobody had to set expectations for Michael Jackson – he was Michael Jackson.”
Which leaves the $400 million question: who killed Michael Jackson? Kenny Ortega pauses for a long time before answering.
“An accident,” he says quietly. “I don’t think that everybody contributed to his life in the most positive way. But I don’t think that you can hold those people responsible. Michael was a 50-year-old man. A father. A professional. A businessman. Accomplished things for himself and others. And,” he concludes with one statement that few, whether Jackson supporter or detractor, would dispute, “he conquered the world of music and performance.”
An accident? Does that jive with what he said in court? You decide.
Please remember that there is going to be so much more. Assuming this goes to trial, KO will likely be back. We MUST keep track of his testimony. We must keep track of EVERYONES testimony. This is too important to let lies go by because we want Murray to be found guilty. Of course we want him to be found guilty - but that does not mean we can excuse people lying. It does not mean that we can pretend that there is not more to this than they would have us believe.
This is NOT me accusing him of anything. But... can we trust him?
The truth of the matter is, there is likely much more information than this out there. So much seems to be missing from the internet, so many interviews that I read a long time ago... I will keep looking. I advise you to do the same. KO is not the only one lying. If we want to have even a chance at the truth being out there... we cannot let things go by just because they appear convinient. We just can't do that.
Please note:
I did not WANT to dislike KO nor do I want to slander him in any way. I am merely pointing out what HE said. This blog hurt me to write. I am sure it will upset some people to read it too. For that I apologize. I just want the truth out there... and while there is not much that I can do to get it out there... I do have to try to do what it is that I can.
THIS blog. Please read that and try to understand where I am coming from. I truly hope that you all can... at least to a point. The purpose of this blog is not slander and is nothing other than exactly what it is.
Please do not take this as anything other than it is. This would be a GREAT opportunity for people to have an intelligent conversation. I am leaving comments open on this one.
This blog will be broken down into sub categories, but there is one main topic and that is Kenny. (Known from now on as KO.). There is much confusion amongst fans and the Michael community in general about this man, his character and whether or not he is telling the truth. This blog will attempt to answer those questions. You do not need to rely on me - I will be answering these questions with KO's own words.
Last Monday in court, KO took the stand as a witness for the prosecution in the involuntary manslaughter case against Dr. Conrad Murray for the death of Michael Jackson. KO answered a number of questions under oath. He explained that he felt "anxiety" because there was a week where Michael had essentially "disappeared" from rehearsals. He mentioned one specific day (June 19th 2009) where Michael appeared so unwell that it was "scary". He also mentioned a meeting held on June 20th that took place at Michael's house and included KO, Dr. Murray, FD, RP and Michael... and perhaps other people as well.
That may all be true... selective truth, IMO, but it may all be true. The problem, however, comes when we compare what KO is saying now to what KO has said in the past. Furthermore, there are SOME things that KO said in court that I believe are, if not outright lies, SERIOUS dancing around and avoiding the truth.
Let's look at this on topic at a time.
On Michael's health
Had Jackson been unreliable, tired, in pain? Did he seem pepped up to the eyeballs on this cocktail of prescription drugs? “I’d been to his home, I’d seen him playing with his children, and seen no evidence ever of anything like that.”
True, that statement could be referring to KO saying that he had seen no evidence of Michael "pepped up to the eyeballs on this cocktail of prescription drug" and not the question of "Had Jackson been unreliable, tired, in pain?". Because of the way this was formed, we cannot be sure. However, it is, at the very least, something to question.
“I think he was eating as much as he thought he needed to. I wished he would have eaten more. I was always making sure there was plenty of food around
To me, that implies that KO did have some concern with the amount that Michael was (or was not) eating. Keep this in mind...
So wasn’t this battered, rake-thin man too frail to mount a comeback? Ortega is having none of it. “No! Look at photographs of Fred Astaire at the height of his career. They’re the spitting image.”
So... you weren't concerned about how thin he was? But you were concerned that he wasn't eating enough? Or you were just... sort of concerned? I'm confused. Are you?
BTW, here are some pictures of Michael during TII rehearsals and of Fred Astaire... you can decide for yourself if they're the spitting image or not..
KO has maintained that Michael was healthy throughout TII, right? So, what about this, taken directly from his testimony, on January 3 2011?
'It quickly became clear that the meeting was about me. That the Dr. was upset that I had sent Michael home and didn’t allow him to rehearse the night before. And BECAUSE I HAD VOICED MY CONCERNS ABOUT MICHAEL'S HEALTH that evening. Dr. Murry told me that this was not my responsibility and to not act like a doctor or a psychologist and to leave Michael’s health to him.'
So... there were concerns? It doesn't sound like Michael was just not feeling well on that one day. If there was a meeting the FOLLOWING day and KO "voiced his concerns about Michael's health", that does NOT sound, to me, as though it was a one time thing and that KO had no other concerns. Does it sound that way to you?
In court, KO was asked:
. Do you remember having a conversation with Karen Fay[e] [about Michael's health]?"
After requesting a glass of water, KO replied that he did not recall having a conversation with her.
Since Michael died, Karen Faye has remained consistent in everything that she has said regarding Michael's health and the circumstances that were surrounding him. Without going into too much detail, it is unquestionable that Karen expressed her concern about Michael's health while KO and his AEG buddies were still going around talking about how lovely everything was, signing autographs at parties and promoting their exciting new movie. It is true that this is a case of his word against hers, but.... based on all that... based on the fact that Karen expressed her concern to all of us since June or July 2009 and remained consistent in her words (and of course, going back to my old point that she would have NOTHING to gain from lying let alone the fact that so much of what she said was later proven true) and considering the fact that, once again, Kenny was running around full of "L-O-V-E" and "TOY" and what not...and would have PLENTY of reasons to lie... WHO do you think is telling the truth? Honestly.... what makes the most sense to YOU?
KO was then asked:
do you remember telling Karen Faye not to placate Michael
His reply was that he doesn't even know what the word "placate" means.
(For the record, here is the definition of placate. Someone feel free to pass it on to KO.
to appease or pacify, esp. by concessions or conciliatory gestures: )
The testimony went on as follows:
EC: Did you advise Karen Fay[e] in any respect in regard to how to treat Michael after this meeting?
KO: No.
EC: Did you discuss with Karen Fay[e] any thing regarding how she should treat Michael?
KO: I don't recall having any discussion with her.
Once again... who do you think is telling the truth?
He also claimed he does not remember if he spoke to Michael regarding the increased number of shows. Really? He doesn't REMEMBER? Okay, KO... okay.
By, the way, there is also THIS from KO's testimony at court:
6/25/2009: At some point he learned that something happened. He received a telephone call while he was rehearsing. Earlier, he had spoken to Randy Phillips and was on his way to rehearsal. I asked him to, “Please let Michael know how excited I am and how much I look forward to rehearsals.”
(Randy Phillips said?) I thought you were calling for a different reason,
Take that as what you will.
On This Is It, as a movie.
“At the time I was uncomfortable with the notion. My immediate instinct was: too close, too quick, too emotional,” Ortega tells me when we meet on the Sony Pictures lot in Culver City, Los Angeles.
“But then I discovered that there was gonna be a movie anyway,” the 59-year-old continues. “And a friend of mine called me and said, ‘I’m reading online that they’re talking to other directors.’ I thought, ‘Now wait a minute – this is really sacred material here. And we were there and I’ve been there on all of these ventures in this last twentysomething years with Michael.’”
Ortega couldn’t bear the prospect of an outsider – “somebody who didn’t really know what the experience was about” – having their hands on what would become Michael Jackson’s last will and testament. He talked to other members of Jackson’s inner circle. “I thought, if everyone will agree that this is a legacy piece, about those four months and about showing the fans what it was that we were trying to do, then I should try do this. Because, you know, who else?”
Okay. So, what he's saying here is that originally he did not want to do the movie - at least not right away - until he heard that they were going to do one anyway and were talking to other people. Correct? Alright. But, you see, then we have this:
This is from KO's twitter:
The TII Team is deeply grieving the loss of our dear Michael. Our hearts go out to Michaels Children, Family and Fans around the world. LOVE 2:04 AM Jun 27th, 2009 via web
As we close our eyes on this sad day, DREAM, BELIEVE, THIS IS NOT IT. In time, we will celebrate and honor his vision with you all. 5:17 PM Jan 4th via web
You are not alone in the desire to see Michael celebrated with a Tribute that honors his final work TII We are working to make that real. 2:30 PM Jun 27th, 2009 via web
On June 27th. JUNE 27TH! Michael died on June 25th! And on JUNE 27TH, Kenny was talking about how they were working to make that real. And yet, didn't he say in that interview that at first he thought it was too soon? Too emotional? That he changed hid mind in time? So... what? When he says "in time", did he mean less than 48 hours? Or was he maybe less against it that he's trying to say? Of course there is always the possibility that he meant something else other than TII as a movie. Maybe they were going to, um, come up with some kind of OTHER tribute to honor his final work TII?
This, of course, is not about Michael's health, but it IS about Michael's death. It also speaks of his character.
Also, did anyone notice how KO kept tweeting about LOVE and TOY .... right up until around the time the DVD had been released? Just askin'
Note, also that by July 2nd, a week after Michael died, "official" rehearsal footage had already been released:
*: Official Michael Jackson rehearsal footage from "This Is It" has been released - Todd 4:39 PM Jul 2nd, 2009 via Twitter Tools
On Michael's mental state and how he felt about TII
Why did he want to undertake such a gruelling commitment? Tackling his huge debts – reportedly $400 million (£245 million) – was, admits Ortega, “partly” a factor. Jackson’s attitude was apparently, “This is a great job, and I’m gonna be able to get myself back at a good place and provide my family with some security.” But Ortega emphatically denies the suggestion that his 50-night stand in London was forced on Jackson by his creditors and handlers.
“There are those out there who say, ‘Michael didn’t want to do This Is It. He wasn’t capable.’ Michael didn’t just wanna do it – his attitude was, we have to do it.” After almost two decades of multiple litigation, gibes about his appearance, jokes about chimpanzees and exactly who donated the sperm to conceive his children, Jackson had a lot to prove. “I also think it was giving him back something that had been sucked out of him. His dignity as an artist. His meaningfulness as an artist. He wanted this. This was bringing him happiness. This was something to look forward to.”
Okay. So, he wanted to do the shows and he was capable of doing the shows. Yes? Alright. But, then there's this (in the same interview!)
Could Ortega see that the lack of sleep was wearing Jackson down? “Sometimes, yeah. Yeah. And we’d have to be careful. Absolutely. **I was concerned about his physical strength and whether or not he was doing all the things he needed to do to be the strong person that he needed to be to fulfil what he wanted to fulfil.**”
Oh. Okay.
Had it been clear to Ortega all along that Jackson was actually capable of fulfilling his contractual obligations and playing all 50 shows? “No, it wasn’t clear to me,” the director confesses. “Not all through the rehearsals did I have absolute confidence. But that’s me,” Ortega chuckles. “I’m the director, and nervous. But towards the end – that’s why it was so sad, that’s why it was so difficult, that’s why it was painful. Because at the very end, we did see it.”
Alright. Well.
First of all, are you trying to imply that you were concerned but that's just because you were the director and so you were OVERLY concerned? As in, you were just being silly or something? Or are you, once again, saying that you were NOT sure that Michael was capable?
Or does it not matter because you changed your mind "at the very end". What does the very end mean? Does June 19th count as the very end or is that too far back Are you referring to the 23rd and 24th? Those were the supposed days that most people seem to agree that Michael was, for some reason, doing better...
To me, it sounds like KO wasn't keeping his story fully straight in this one article, let alone for months to come.
On Dr. Murray.
Ask if Dr Conrad Murray was a regular presence on the set, and Ortega replies that he only met him “a couple of times. "I had a couple of conversations with him. He was Michael’s personal choice doctor, and was his daily physician as I understand it. And was doing everything in his…” Ortega falters, as if he’s mindful of the ongoing legal situation. “He was helping Michael stay nourished and healthy and, you know, looking after him.”
Michael's personal choice doctor? Not AEGs?
Oh, okay. Well, I suppose technically speaking, that doesn't mean he lied. You know. A couple of conversations... one of them could have, in theory, been a meeting where the doctor yelled at him for sending Michael home and told him he wasn't a doctor and should mind his business.
Once again, we hear KO discuss the meeting in his testimony from January 2011:
'It quickly became clear that the meeting was about me. That the Dr. was upset that I had sent Michael home and didn’t allow him to rehearse the night before. And BECAUSE I HAD VOICED MY CONCERNS ABOUT MICHAEL'S HEALTH that evening. Dr. Murry told me that this was not my responsibility and to not act like a doctor or a psychologist and to leave Michael’s health to him.'
So, you DID have concerns about Michael's health.
Of course, that kind of thing doesn't sound like he was helping Michael stay healthy or looking after him. So, you know, there's THAT to think about. Why say that if it's not true? I mean, can they both be true? Could Murray really have been looking after Michael and keeping him healthy while also getting angry at KO for supposedly sending Michael home when he wasn't well? Doesn't sound so right to me...
The wrongful death suit
KO has recently filed legal documents requesting that he be removed from the wrongful death suit that Katherine Jackson has filed. His reasons for asking to be removed from the suit are:
"Kenneth Ortega is not alleged to be involved in the medical treatment or administration of drugs that allegedly caused Michael Jackson's death."
Well, that's all well and good, however nobody is accusing him of having been involved in the medical treatment of administration of drugs that allegedly caused Michael Jackson's death.
The wrongful death suit does not allege that KO had ANYTHING to do with that at all. What the wrongful death suit alleges is that, among other people, KO was NEGLECTFUL. That he saw the bad condition that Michael was in and that he, not only ignored the condition, but continued to push Michael. (More than one source has said that members of the AEG "team" told Michael that if he did not, essentially, shape up, that they would "pull the plug" on the whole show... that Michael was threatened...that basically, Michael was NOT in control here.)
KO's arguments for why he should not be included in the wrongful death suit, truly makes me wonder if he has READ the wrongful death suit.
Further, KO's lawyers also say:
Kenny never had a contract with Dr. Conrad Murray or with Michael Jackson, nor has he had any official affiliation with AEG.
He didn't have a contract with Murray. He didn't have a contract with Michael. And he had no "official" affiliation with AEG? I don't know what official means in this particular example, but... who exactly was KO working for then? What was he doing there if he had no affiliation with Michael OR with AEG?
Who killed Michael?
Had Jackson been (over)dosed with drugs to ensure that he performed? Did the pressures and expectations from tour promoter AEG and its insurers drive him too hard? Fatally hard?
Ortega refutes the allegation. “Never believe any of that. It’s not true. He set his own expectations. Nobody had to set expectations for Michael Jackson – he was Michael Jackson.”
Which leaves the $400 million question: who killed Michael Jackson? Kenny Ortega pauses for a long time before answering.
“An accident,” he says quietly. “I don’t think that everybody contributed to his life in the most positive way. But I don’t think that you can hold those people responsible. Michael was a 50-year-old man. A father. A professional. A businessman. Accomplished things for himself and others. And,” he concludes with one statement that few, whether Jackson supporter or detractor, would dispute, “he conquered the world of music and performance.”
An accident? Does that jive with what he said in court? You decide.
Please remember that there is going to be so much more. Assuming this goes to trial, KO will likely be back. We MUST keep track of his testimony. We must keep track of EVERYONES testimony. This is too important to let lies go by because we want Murray to be found guilty. Of course we want him to be found guilty - but that does not mean we can excuse people lying. It does not mean that we can pretend that there is not more to this than they would have us believe.
This is NOT me accusing him of anything. But... can we trust him?
The truth of the matter is, there is likely much more information than this out there. So much seems to be missing from the internet, so many interviews that I read a long time ago... I will keep looking. I advise you to do the same. KO is not the only one lying. If we want to have even a chance at the truth being out there... we cannot let things go by just because they appear convinient. We just can't do that.
Please note:
I did not WANT to dislike KO nor do I want to slander him in any way. I am merely pointing out what HE said. This blog hurt me to write. I am sure it will upset some people to read it too. For that I apologize. I just want the truth out there... and while there is not much that I can do to get it out there... I do have to try to do what it is that I can.
in the courtroom..
There is more than one issue that I would like to address either today or soon, and I believe that the best way to do so is in more than one blog. There may (in fact, there very likely will) be more issues that will come up in the future and it just makes sense to have separate blogs. That said, much of what I will likely write about in the future will reference this blog.
My aim with this is to try to explain what exactly is going on in the courtroom right now/went on in the courtroom in the last couple of weeks. I am not a law expert, however I have spent time researching and understanding and I know that there are some people who are perhaps not sure because they haven't had as much time to dedicate to researching or whatever.
Basically, what is going o is the following:
We have the prosecution and we have the defense.
The prosecution includes the district attorney(s) whos aim it is to prove the case that is in front of them.
The defense, which in this case is Dr. Murray, is trying, obviously, to challenge the prosecutions case enough that a judge or jury will not consider these charges to have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt and that therefore Murray should not be considered guilty of this crime.
It is important to remember that the burden of proof is on the prosecution. They are the ones who have to prove something. Not Murray. If Murray and his team did nothing and the prosecution did not present enough evidence to make a jury believe that Murray pretty much definitely did what he is being accused of, Murray would not be found guilty. Of course, that is not what the defense intends to do... they intend to challenge the charges and, as has been reported, their alleged plan is to say that Michael injected himself with the propofol.... if they can put enough doubt in the jurors minds or make them believe that this was a likely possibility and that therefore Michael's death was not "enough" Murrays fault... once again, Murray will be found not guilty.
The charges are involuntary manslaughter.
The definition of involuntary manslaughter in California is as follows:
Call 24/7 | 888.327.4652
California's Involuntary Manslaughter Law
1. The Legal Definition of Involuntary
Manslaughter in California
Involuntary manslaughter differs from Penal Code 187 PC murder in that it involves an unintentional death.
California Penal Code 192(b) PC defines "involuntary manslaughter" as an unlawful killing that takes place
1. during the commission of an unlawful act (not amounting to a felony), or
2. during the commission of a lawful act which involves a high risk of death or great bodily harm that is committed without due caution or circumspection.3
Involuntary manslaughter does not apply to acts that you commit while driving a car (those are covered by California's vehicular manslaughter laws, discussed under Section 4. Related Offenses).4
Basically.... that it was not planned and also not intentional.
There is an understanding that is going around due to all of this that the prosecution are therefore the "good guys" whereas the defense are the "bad guys". That is not entirely true.
The prosecution has a case in front of them. Their goal is to win this case. The prosecution is not here for MICHAEL. Because the charges are involuntary manslaughter, that is their goal. To have Murray found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. They are not interested in anything else - unless of course something or someone else was introduced directly into charges.
As someone who loves Michael, I am not content with accepting anything anyone says as a prosecution witness as the gospel. I, for one, believe there is FAR more to this than Murray and his "involuntary manslaughter" charges.
Do I want Murray to walk? Absolutely not. Do I think that it has been made clear that Murray lied? Yes. However, and I will not apologize for this, I would prefer the TRUTH, the actual 100% FACT FILLED truth to be out there than to sit here silently, accept the situation for what it is, and not blindly support anyone that stands up there for the prosecution. It is not as black and white as that they are the good guys and the defense are the bad guys. It just isn't. Is Murray a "bad guy"? Um, it certainly seems like it to me. Does that mean that he is the only "bad guy"? Does that mean that any witness for the prosecution is going to tell the truth and be looking out for Michael? NO. So, should I be silent if I feel someone is lying because they are standing up for the prosecution? No. Not if I feel that they are lying about Michael and the way that Michael died. NONE of this means I support Murray or I want Murray to walk. Of course not. And my attempting to "discredit" ANYONE that I feel is lying does not at all MEAN that I want Murray to walk. But, I stand by the fact that I believe that there is WAY more to this all than Murray and I will not sit there and accept every word shoved down our throats just because the person saying it is allegedly attempting to help the prosecution find Murray guilty. I am sorry. It is just not that simple.
I want Murray held accountable for anything that he did just as much as everyone else does. I LOVE Michael and there is NEVER going to be enough justice in the world for taking away this beautiful man. For hurting him, for killing him. For orphaning his children, leaving his parents without their son, his siblings without their brother, his friends without their friend and, yes, all of us without him as well. This world needed him. And now he is gone. So, no. Once again, I cannot blindly sit here and accept anything that I believe is a lie when it comes to Michael or how Michael died. I don't care which side they are supposedly testifying for. I love Michael more than that. I know we ALL love Michael and I am not suggesting that I love him more than anyone else, I am simply explaining my feelings. By the way. I care more than just swallowing what I believe is the truth so that Murray will get his ten minutes in jail. Once again, to be clear, that does NOT MEAN that I support the defense - of course I don't. That does not mean I do not want Murray held accountable - of course I do. It means that I care too much to not make it clear when I believe that someone is lying.
I am nobody at the end of the day. Just a fan trying to reach out to anyone else that might care and share what I think, what I know or what I feel. I am sorry if I am being misunderstood. I know I am not the only one. But, there is no better way that I can explain it. And I hope you will all keep that in mind as the pretrial and then (hopefully) the trial and whatever else may happen along the way happens and I continue to express what I believe.
There is simply TOO MUCH that is going on, with more and more getting released every day, that is NOT adding up. This is NOT an involuntary manslaughter situation and I know how many of us feel the same way - that this does not add up. These facts do not add up. And it is simply not a case that is as simple as certain people would like us to believe. The truth matters.
I will link back to this blog when I feel it is needed and I thank you for reading it and for hopefully ta least attempting to understand what I am saying.
My aim with this is to try to explain what exactly is going on in the courtroom right now/went on in the courtroom in the last couple of weeks. I am not a law expert, however I have spent time researching and understanding and I know that there are some people who are perhaps not sure because they haven't had as much time to dedicate to researching or whatever.
Basically, what is going o is the following:
We have the prosecution and we have the defense.
The prosecution includes the district attorney(s) whos aim it is to prove the case that is in front of them.
The defense, which in this case is Dr. Murray, is trying, obviously, to challenge the prosecutions case enough that a judge or jury will not consider these charges to have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt and that therefore Murray should not be considered guilty of this crime.
It is important to remember that the burden of proof is on the prosecution. They are the ones who have to prove something. Not Murray. If Murray and his team did nothing and the prosecution did not present enough evidence to make a jury believe that Murray pretty much definitely did what he is being accused of, Murray would not be found guilty. Of course, that is not what the defense intends to do... they intend to challenge the charges and, as has been reported, their alleged plan is to say that Michael injected himself with the propofol.... if they can put enough doubt in the jurors minds or make them believe that this was a likely possibility and that therefore Michael's death was not "enough" Murrays fault... once again, Murray will be found not guilty.
The charges are involuntary manslaughter.
The definition of involuntary manslaughter in California is as follows:
Call 24/7 | 888.327.4652
California's Involuntary Manslaughter Law
1. The Legal Definition of Involuntary
Manslaughter in California
Involuntary manslaughter differs from Penal Code 187 PC murder in that it involves an unintentional death.
California Penal Code 192(b) PC defines "involuntary manslaughter" as an unlawful killing that takes place
1. during the commission of an unlawful act (not amounting to a felony), or
2. during the commission of a lawful act which involves a high risk of death or great bodily harm that is committed without due caution or circumspection.3
Involuntary manslaughter does not apply to acts that you commit while driving a car (those are covered by California's vehicular manslaughter laws, discussed under Section 4. Related Offenses).4
Basically.... that it was not planned and also not intentional.
There is an understanding that is going around due to all of this that the prosecution are therefore the "good guys" whereas the defense are the "bad guys". That is not entirely true.
The prosecution has a case in front of them. Their goal is to win this case. The prosecution is not here for MICHAEL. Because the charges are involuntary manslaughter, that is their goal. To have Murray found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. They are not interested in anything else - unless of course something or someone else was introduced directly into charges.
As someone who loves Michael, I am not content with accepting anything anyone says as a prosecution witness as the gospel. I, for one, believe there is FAR more to this than Murray and his "involuntary manslaughter" charges.
Do I want Murray to walk? Absolutely not. Do I think that it has been made clear that Murray lied? Yes. However, and I will not apologize for this, I would prefer the TRUTH, the actual 100% FACT FILLED truth to be out there than to sit here silently, accept the situation for what it is, and not blindly support anyone that stands up there for the prosecution. It is not as black and white as that they are the good guys and the defense are the bad guys. It just isn't. Is Murray a "bad guy"? Um, it certainly seems like it to me. Does that mean that he is the only "bad guy"? Does that mean that any witness for the prosecution is going to tell the truth and be looking out for Michael? NO. So, should I be silent if I feel someone is lying because they are standing up for the prosecution? No. Not if I feel that they are lying about Michael and the way that Michael died. NONE of this means I support Murray or I want Murray to walk. Of course not. And my attempting to "discredit" ANYONE that I feel is lying does not at all MEAN that I want Murray to walk. But, I stand by the fact that I believe that there is WAY more to this all than Murray and I will not sit there and accept every word shoved down our throats just because the person saying it is allegedly attempting to help the prosecution find Murray guilty. I am sorry. It is just not that simple.
I want Murray held accountable for anything that he did just as much as everyone else does. I LOVE Michael and there is NEVER going to be enough justice in the world for taking away this beautiful man. For hurting him, for killing him. For orphaning his children, leaving his parents without their son, his siblings without their brother, his friends without their friend and, yes, all of us without him as well. This world needed him. And now he is gone. So, no. Once again, I cannot blindly sit here and accept anything that I believe is a lie when it comes to Michael or how Michael died. I don't care which side they are supposedly testifying for. I love Michael more than that. I know we ALL love Michael and I am not suggesting that I love him more than anyone else, I am simply explaining my feelings. By the way. I care more than just swallowing what I believe is the truth so that Murray will get his ten minutes in jail. Once again, to be clear, that does NOT MEAN that I support the defense - of course I don't. That does not mean I do not want Murray held accountable - of course I do. It means that I care too much to not make it clear when I believe that someone is lying.
I am nobody at the end of the day. Just a fan trying to reach out to anyone else that might care and share what I think, what I know or what I feel. I am sorry if I am being misunderstood. I know I am not the only one. But, there is no better way that I can explain it. And I hope you will all keep that in mind as the pretrial and then (hopefully) the trial and whatever else may happen along the way happens and I continue to express what I believe.
There is simply TOO MUCH that is going on, with more and more getting released every day, that is NOT adding up. This is NOT an involuntary manslaughter situation and I know how many of us feel the same way - that this does not add up. These facts do not add up. And it is simply not a case that is as simple as certain people would like us to believe. The truth matters.
I will link back to this blog when I feel it is needed and I thank you for reading it and for hopefully ta least attempting to understand what I am saying.
Friday, January 7, 2011
thoughts of a minion.
I've tried. You know? I've tried. I've tried so hard to ignore the tweets, Facebook messages, emails (where people got my email address from, I don't know.) that have been sent to me over the past few days. I've tried to ignore the tweets that I have seen. I've tried to ignore the idiotic immature blog posts, pictures and lord knows what else.
Then, I tried in a different way. I tried responding to the individuals that kept throwing the same questions at me over and over again. I tried taking the high road and remembering my own advice. I've tried and I've tried and I've tried and now I am sick to death of trying because it is getting me nowhere other than being exceedingly PISSED OFF.
So, I'm gonna do this again, and I'm gonna do it now. I'm gonna not give a crap what people decide to say or think about me, if anything at all because of it, because I am so tired of the same thing. I am so tired of seeing blog posts and tweets and rude emails about Karen Faye.
I do not want to go against what I said in my last blog and that is not my intention. However, there is a difference, I think, between standing up for something/someone you believe in and in being rude, mean, harassing people... forgetting why we are here. I think I am doing the first one. That is my intention anyway.
You know... there are some people that I don't like much. People from Michael's "circle". Only... unless you know me well, you probably don't know who they are or what I feel and why... because with rare exception, I don't sit there and talk about them all the time. I don't even know where most of them are, let alone if they are still posting on Facebook or Twitter and what they are saying. But, there seems to be some weird kind of magnetism that comes with Karen. Some kind of draw where people who supposedly "don't like her" feel this strange need to talk about her. All. The. Time. It's WEIRD. They don't "care" about her and what she does, but everytime she tweets, there's a new comment about it. And sometimes, they do not even NEED new information, they'll just go back and talk about the old stuff a million times! She can't take a BREATH without someone talking about it! It's really really weird...
This isn't the first time I've blogged about Karen, obviously, but its' the first time in awhile, so let's get through some basics quickly.
1. "Minions". It's a joke. When Karen calls us her "minions", she does not actually mean that we are truly minions. Nor are we actual flying monkeys. What she is referring to, or what WE might be referring is how HILARIOUS some of these insults have gotten. You see, awhile back, some brilliant person, I truly do not recall who it was, decided that all of the people that Karen had either developed friendships with or even the people that Karen didn't really know but who would stand up for her, or at the very least, not jump on the "I hate Karen Faye" train were "minions". That we (and this is a direct quote taken from a blog) "blindly support Faye" and that we would run around doing everything she told us to do which included (though was not limited to:) sending people harassing emails, CALLING people and harassing them, tweeting certain things, photoshopping pictures and just generally lying. (Of course, she never asked anyone to do ANY of those things.) You see... but that is so incredibly ridiculous that we ALL, including Karen, find it hysterical. Hence the joking around about it all the time. I'm sorry that that annoys some people that your incredibly brilliant insult has become something that we can get some laughter out of, but it is what it is. So, thank you, to those of you who have expressed concern for us brainless minions... but we're actually doing okay. ;)
2. I am SO tired of Karen being called a liar. I understand that for some reason utterly unknown to me, the policy is to believe everyone else on the planet before we believe Karen, but that's just not gonna fly with me anymore. I mean, are people really saying that Karen is a PROVEN LIAR because Kenny Ortega said that he does not recall having a certain conversation with Karen? That makes her a PROVEN LIAR? Why is that proof? Is it because Kenny would NEVER lie? (Kenny used to tell us that everything was fine and there were no problems. These days, there was a week where Michael was missing from rehearsals which gave Kenny "anxiety", a day where Michael was so unwell that Kenny found it "scary" as well as a meeting that included Kenny, Dr. Murray and a couple of other people held at Michael's house regarding "concern". Is that FINE?). Or is it that people don't lie under oath? (Allow me to take you back to 2005 if you will.)
In all of these MONTHS that everyone has been on Karen's ass calling her a liar, not ONE PERSON has ever been able to answer this simple question:
What would Karen have to gain by lying about any single thing that she ever said?
And now there are a million OTHER things that Karen is being faulted for! A short list for you all to see, each point followed by a reason why it is utterly ridiculous:
-Karen is sitting on Twitter instead of testifying at court.
Karen has not, as of yet, been called to testify at this pretrial. You do not just prance into a courtroom and announce that you are there and ready to testify.
-Karen was one of the people who ran MJJSource and I still never got my calendar, therefore she stole my money.
If I send you a calendar, will you be quiet? Honestly. ONCE again, this issue has been addressed a thousand times and I truly believe the ones still using it as any kind of serious problem are desperately searching and clinging to something to hate on Karen for.
-Karen is a reason for fan division.
Cry me a freakin' river. Fan division was caused by FANS plain and simple. FANS, or really, PEOPLE in general, should be able to agree or disagree on any specific things, situations or people without having a huge division caused. That Karen is such a controversial subject that is seemingly SO important to everyone that there is actually some fan division because of it is the fault of the FANS. Grow up and accept responsibility. We can blame NO ONE for division amongst us other than ourselves. And Karen is FAR from the only person that fans disagree on by the way.
-Karen sometimes says something and then says something different.
That's what happens when you have human beings that evolve, grow and change. They change their minds or opinions on things. Please stop putting out quotes from 2007 and then one from 2010 and trying to show how that makes Karen a liar. It makes Karen a human being able to change her mind, grow and accept that she might have been wrong about something or someone. Hardly a crime.
-Karen blah blah blah pictures blah blah Forrest Lawn blah blah Facebook blah TMZ.
But, seriously? I mean, seriously? I also find it hilarious that a FAN has shared that Karen has offered the Jackson family no apology for sharing the photos. Fans who pretend to know everything about the family and what goes on behind closed doors frighten me. Unless this particular fan has spoken to each and every Jackson family member and knows for sure what they are talking about, I would suggest that this fan stops ruining their own credibility.
Karen has been accused of lying, of having an agenda, of being an evil person with evil intentions who never cared about Michael and certainly does not do so now. I do not know why those who supposedly dislike Karen so much are not tired of talking about her all the time, but I am tired of hearing about it already. I am tired of reading the nasty tweets that get retweeted like people are so proud of themselves for their petty and disturbing behavior and I am tired of getting emails because people who do not get told both sides of a story (or sometimes even one true side) are confused. (To be clear, I do not mind that people are asking... I mind that they are being put in this position.)
You can call me whatever you want at this point. You can talk about how what I have to say does not matter, you can talk about how blind or stupid I am, you can talk about how Karen put me up to this (she didn't and never has.), you can talk about how no one cares what I think.... go for it. But I will say this and I will say it very clearly so there is no room for any misinterpretations:
I have known Karen on some level since September of 2009. I have gotten to know her on a more personal level since then. I spent time with her in person in August of 2010. I have spoken to her IN PERSON, spent time with her IN PERSON and had MANY private conversations with her. I trust her fully and despite how many times the same people call me stupid for it or attempt to make not only me but many of us believe otherwise, I know that Karen is an honest and good person. Karen loved Michael deeply and she still does. I have seen Karen's words get twisted a number of times for over a year now. I have seen proof with my own eyes that she is not or does not do many of the things that people say she is/does. I have heard people talk about their bad experiences with her and yet not one person has been able to offer any specifics other than that STUPID MJJSource website (actually, the website wasn't stupid. The way everyone goes on and on about it now is) which anyone who cared enough to pay attention to already understands the circumstances behind it. If knowing all of the above and supporting someone who has continually put herself out there and continued to share despite the crap that they keep getting from people and publicly defending someone who I feel 100% is being unfairly accused, targeted, lied about, harassed, etc... if all of that makes me a "minion", then it is no wonder that I wear my "minion badge" with pride. Let people talk about how stupid or pathetic I am for it... that's cool. Because while they are doing that and coming up with more "clever" lies or insults, I know and am comfortable with where I am standing and with who and what I support.
Oh and by the way... Karen is my friend and I love her but this is not even fully about that anymore. This is also about right vs wrong and what is being done here is wrong. I do not enjoy writing blogs constantly pointing this out but I will continue to do so as long as people continue to have their twisted obsessive comments out there. I do not KNOW why people are so invested in lying about her or creating stories. I do not know why people are constantly twisting her words around or just creating new ones. I honestly don't know. I know that she has said some things that people do not like because they would prefer to believe their own delusions, but short of that, I do not know why there is so much obsession and the same crap happening over and over again. Maybe, instead of wasting your time reading the same stupid lies over and over again, if you need something to do, spend some time trying to figure out why this is happening.. and hey, if you come up with anything, let me know! ;)
ETA: Since people seem so oddly obsessed with pictures of Karen lately as well, here are a few to look at. Note how many years these were taken over... I dunno, for someone that is so evil and all, Michael sure kept her around for a long time!
Then, I tried in a different way. I tried responding to the individuals that kept throwing the same questions at me over and over again. I tried taking the high road and remembering my own advice. I've tried and I've tried and I've tried and now I am sick to death of trying because it is getting me nowhere other than being exceedingly PISSED OFF.
So, I'm gonna do this again, and I'm gonna do it now. I'm gonna not give a crap what people decide to say or think about me, if anything at all because of it, because I am so tired of the same thing. I am so tired of seeing blog posts and tweets and rude emails about Karen Faye.
I do not want to go against what I said in my last blog and that is not my intention. However, there is a difference, I think, between standing up for something/someone you believe in and in being rude, mean, harassing people... forgetting why we are here. I think I am doing the first one. That is my intention anyway.
You know... there are some people that I don't like much. People from Michael's "circle". Only... unless you know me well, you probably don't know who they are or what I feel and why... because with rare exception, I don't sit there and talk about them all the time. I don't even know where most of them are, let alone if they are still posting on Facebook or Twitter and what they are saying. But, there seems to be some weird kind of magnetism that comes with Karen. Some kind of draw where people who supposedly "don't like her" feel this strange need to talk about her. All. The. Time. It's WEIRD. They don't "care" about her and what she does, but everytime she tweets, there's a new comment about it. And sometimes, they do not even NEED new information, they'll just go back and talk about the old stuff a million times! She can't take a BREATH without someone talking about it! It's really really weird...
This isn't the first time I've blogged about Karen, obviously, but its' the first time in awhile, so let's get through some basics quickly.
1. "Minions". It's a joke. When Karen calls us her "minions", she does not actually mean that we are truly minions. Nor are we actual flying monkeys. What she is referring to, or what WE might be referring is how HILARIOUS some of these insults have gotten. You see, awhile back, some brilliant person, I truly do not recall who it was, decided that all of the people that Karen had either developed friendships with or even the people that Karen didn't really know but who would stand up for her, or at the very least, not jump on the "I hate Karen Faye" train were "minions". That we (and this is a direct quote taken from a blog) "blindly support Faye" and that we would run around doing everything she told us to do which included (though was not limited to:) sending people harassing emails, CALLING people and harassing them, tweeting certain things, photoshopping pictures and just generally lying. (Of course, she never asked anyone to do ANY of those things.) You see... but that is so incredibly ridiculous that we ALL, including Karen, find it hysterical. Hence the joking around about it all the time. I'm sorry that that annoys some people that your incredibly brilliant insult has become something that we can get some laughter out of, but it is what it is. So, thank you, to those of you who have expressed concern for us brainless minions... but we're actually doing okay. ;)
2. I am SO tired of Karen being called a liar. I understand that for some reason utterly unknown to me, the policy is to believe everyone else on the planet before we believe Karen, but that's just not gonna fly with me anymore. I mean, are people really saying that Karen is a PROVEN LIAR because Kenny Ortega said that he does not recall having a certain conversation with Karen? That makes her a PROVEN LIAR? Why is that proof? Is it because Kenny would NEVER lie? (Kenny used to tell us that everything was fine and there were no problems. These days, there was a week where Michael was missing from rehearsals which gave Kenny "anxiety", a day where Michael was so unwell that Kenny found it "scary" as well as a meeting that included Kenny, Dr. Murray and a couple of other people held at Michael's house regarding "concern". Is that FINE?). Or is it that people don't lie under oath? (Allow me to take you back to 2005 if you will.)
In all of these MONTHS that everyone has been on Karen's ass calling her a liar, not ONE PERSON has ever been able to answer this simple question:
What would Karen have to gain by lying about any single thing that she ever said?
And now there are a million OTHER things that Karen is being faulted for! A short list for you all to see, each point followed by a reason why it is utterly ridiculous:
-Karen is sitting on Twitter instead of testifying at court.
Karen has not, as of yet, been called to testify at this pretrial. You do not just prance into a courtroom and announce that you are there and ready to testify.
-Karen was one of the people who ran MJJSource and I still never got my calendar, therefore she stole my money.
If I send you a calendar, will you be quiet? Honestly. ONCE again, this issue has been addressed a thousand times and I truly believe the ones still using it as any kind of serious problem are desperately searching and clinging to something to hate on Karen for.
-Karen is a reason for fan division.
Cry me a freakin' river. Fan division was caused by FANS plain and simple. FANS, or really, PEOPLE in general, should be able to agree or disagree on any specific things, situations or people without having a huge division caused. That Karen is such a controversial subject that is seemingly SO important to everyone that there is actually some fan division because of it is the fault of the FANS. Grow up and accept responsibility. We can blame NO ONE for division amongst us other than ourselves. And Karen is FAR from the only person that fans disagree on by the way.
-Karen sometimes says something and then says something different.
That's what happens when you have human beings that evolve, grow and change. They change their minds or opinions on things. Please stop putting out quotes from 2007 and then one from 2010 and trying to show how that makes Karen a liar. It makes Karen a human being able to change her mind, grow and accept that she might have been wrong about something or someone. Hardly a crime.
-Karen blah blah blah pictures blah blah Forrest Lawn blah blah Facebook blah TMZ.
But, seriously? I mean, seriously? I also find it hilarious that a FAN has shared that Karen has offered the Jackson family no apology for sharing the photos. Fans who pretend to know everything about the family and what goes on behind closed doors frighten me. Unless this particular fan has spoken to each and every Jackson family member and knows for sure what they are talking about, I would suggest that this fan stops ruining their own credibility.
Karen has been accused of lying, of having an agenda, of being an evil person with evil intentions who never cared about Michael and certainly does not do so now. I do not know why those who supposedly dislike Karen so much are not tired of talking about her all the time, but I am tired of hearing about it already. I am tired of reading the nasty tweets that get retweeted like people are so proud of themselves for their petty and disturbing behavior and I am tired of getting emails because people who do not get told both sides of a story (or sometimes even one true side) are confused. (To be clear, I do not mind that people are asking... I mind that they are being put in this position.)
You can call me whatever you want at this point. You can talk about how what I have to say does not matter, you can talk about how blind or stupid I am, you can talk about how Karen put me up to this (she didn't and never has.), you can talk about how no one cares what I think.... go for it. But I will say this and I will say it very clearly so there is no room for any misinterpretations:
I have known Karen on some level since September of 2009. I have gotten to know her on a more personal level since then. I spent time with her in person in August of 2010. I have spoken to her IN PERSON, spent time with her IN PERSON and had MANY private conversations with her. I trust her fully and despite how many times the same people call me stupid for it or attempt to make not only me but many of us believe otherwise, I know that Karen is an honest and good person. Karen loved Michael deeply and she still does. I have seen Karen's words get twisted a number of times for over a year now. I have seen proof with my own eyes that she is not or does not do many of the things that people say she is/does. I have heard people talk about their bad experiences with her and yet not one person has been able to offer any specifics other than that STUPID MJJSource website (actually, the website wasn't stupid. The way everyone goes on and on about it now is) which anyone who cared enough to pay attention to already understands the circumstances behind it. If knowing all of the above and supporting someone who has continually put herself out there and continued to share despite the crap that they keep getting from people and publicly defending someone who I feel 100% is being unfairly accused, targeted, lied about, harassed, etc... if all of that makes me a "minion", then it is no wonder that I wear my "minion badge" with pride. Let people talk about how stupid or pathetic I am for it... that's cool. Because while they are doing that and coming up with more "clever" lies or insults, I know and am comfortable with where I am standing and with who and what I support.
Oh and by the way... Karen is my friend and I love her but this is not even fully about that anymore. This is also about right vs wrong and what is being done here is wrong. I do not enjoy writing blogs constantly pointing this out but I will continue to do so as long as people continue to have their twisted obsessive comments out there. I do not KNOW why people are so invested in lying about her or creating stories. I do not know why people are constantly twisting her words around or just creating new ones. I honestly don't know. I know that she has said some things that people do not like because they would prefer to believe their own delusions, but short of that, I do not know why there is so much obsession and the same crap happening over and over again. Maybe, instead of wasting your time reading the same stupid lies over and over again, if you need something to do, spend some time trying to figure out why this is happening.. and hey, if you come up with anything, let me know! ;)
ETA: Since people seem so oddly obsessed with pictures of Karen lately as well, here are a few to look at. Note how many years these were taken over... I dunno, for someone that is so evil and all, Michael sure kept her around for a long time!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
dear Michael fans:
While I am certainly clear that it is not my place to tell anyone what to do, I feel the need to post something after the pure insanity of today.
While I understand that emotions have been running high all day (mine were too.) and that this has all been very upsetting for everyone, I think that we ALL need to keep things in perspective. This was DAY ONE of the PRELIMINARY TRIAL. If we are already acting this way, I am scared to think of how it is going to be when (assuming it does) the actual trial starts or even a few more days into the preliminary trial.
We all loved Michael. We all miss him and we are all not only upset that he is gone, but incredibly angry. That being said, once again, we need to get it in check.
1. We need to not assume that everything said in that courtroom is the truth. People lie. They lie under oath too. (2005 anyone?). People especially lie when they have motives or things to cover up. Just because it's SAID that doesn't make it true. Unless we were there (and I do not mean in court, I mean THERE at the time.) we do not know anything as a fact unless there is evidence behind it. We are all entitled to believe whatever we want, but it is very dangerous to take everything said under oath as 100% true.
2. Even if we do believe something is true, there is something called controlling yourself. If you believe that someone is lying, that's fine. Go ahead and believe it. But things like threats, name calling, verbal abuse and hatred are not okay and are not the way that I think Michael would want his fans acting. We all get upset and lose control once in awhile, I understand that. But, it is times like these where we HAVE to think before we speak. Some of the things that I have seen spewed out today were absolutely beyond disgusting. I didn't know Michael personally, but I can say with a whole lot of confidence that he would NEVER want his name associated with that kind of behavior.
3. The things that we do, as Michael fans, reflects on Michael whether we like it or not. There is constantly talk about "Michael's crazy fans". Perhaps we shouldn't be giving people a reason to say those things.
4. Understand what you are saying before you say it. People cannot just show up at court and testify unless they are called to do so. Things are not always as black and white as people would have you believe. Etc, etc, etc.....
5. Remember why we're here and why we care. This is not about anyone but Michael. I don't particularly think it matters who you support and who you don't support. Anyone who truly loves Michael wants the same thing in the end and that is truth and some form of justice. We need to not lose sight of what is going on here. While fans are screaming at each other and other people on Twitter, there is a trial going on involving Michael's DEATH. Keep it in check.
This is going to be a LONG ROAD and it is not going to get any easier. There are going to be lies, there is going to be character assasination. There are going to plenty of things that are going to make us all upset and angry and hurt. It does no one, and certainly not Michael, any good to be screaming, yelling, accusing, lying and hurting each other. Things might just be a little easier if we can all keep all of this in mind.
While I understand that emotions have been running high all day (mine were too.) and that this has all been very upsetting for everyone, I think that we ALL need to keep things in perspective. This was DAY ONE of the PRELIMINARY TRIAL. If we are already acting this way, I am scared to think of how it is going to be when (assuming it does) the actual trial starts or even a few more days into the preliminary trial.
We all loved Michael. We all miss him and we are all not only upset that he is gone, but incredibly angry. That being said, once again, we need to get it in check.
1. We need to not assume that everything said in that courtroom is the truth. People lie. They lie under oath too. (2005 anyone?). People especially lie when they have motives or things to cover up. Just because it's SAID that doesn't make it true. Unless we were there (and I do not mean in court, I mean THERE at the time.) we do not know anything as a fact unless there is evidence behind it. We are all entitled to believe whatever we want, but it is very dangerous to take everything said under oath as 100% true.
2. Even if we do believe something is true, there is something called controlling yourself. If you believe that someone is lying, that's fine. Go ahead and believe it. But things like threats, name calling, verbal abuse and hatred are not okay and are not the way that I think Michael would want his fans acting. We all get upset and lose control once in awhile, I understand that. But, it is times like these where we HAVE to think before we speak. Some of the things that I have seen spewed out today were absolutely beyond disgusting. I didn't know Michael personally, but I can say with a whole lot of confidence that he would NEVER want his name associated with that kind of behavior.
3. The things that we do, as Michael fans, reflects on Michael whether we like it or not. There is constantly talk about "Michael's crazy fans". Perhaps we shouldn't be giving people a reason to say those things.
4. Understand what you are saying before you say it. People cannot just show up at court and testify unless they are called to do so. Things are not always as black and white as people would have you believe. Etc, etc, etc.....
5. Remember why we're here and why we care. This is not about anyone but Michael. I don't particularly think it matters who you support and who you don't support. Anyone who truly loves Michael wants the same thing in the end and that is truth and some form of justice. We need to not lose sight of what is going on here. While fans are screaming at each other and other people on Twitter, there is a trial going on involving Michael's DEATH. Keep it in check.
This is going to be a LONG ROAD and it is not going to get any easier. There are going to be lies, there is going to be character assasination. There are going to plenty of things that are going to make us all upset and angry and hurt. It does no one, and certainly not Michael, any good to be screaming, yelling, accusing, lying and hurting each other. Things might just be a little easier if we can all keep all of this in mind.
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